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Description yoga

Courses and workshops in Berlin, yoga retreats in Croatia, workshops anywhere else where you invite me
  • Yoga Style:
    Hatha yoga Other
    Hatha yoga
  • Online yoga courses
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    Furnishing: not specified
  • existing yoga accessories
    existing yoga accessories: not specified
  • Courses for specific target groups:
    Courses for companies
    Courses for companies
  • special yoga offers
    special yoga offers: not specified
  • reachability
    reachability: not specified
  • suitable for
    suitable for: not specified
  • Yoga videos
  • all properties (33)


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Berlin und Kroatien Germany

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Properties of this yoga entry

  • Yoga Style:
    Hatha yoga
  • Beginners or first-time visitors should keep this in mind: Before yoga
    - Find out well about the yoga course you want to attend. There are over 100 types of yoga today, all of which come from Hatha Yoga, the yoga that most people practice in yoga studios today, but which is only a small aspect of yoga! There are calmer and more dynamic types of Hatha Yoga, more sporty and more holistic styles, although let's be clear: if yoga isn't holistic, then it's usually not really yoga.
    - If your body is not flexible or you still have tension or pain, I recommend learning the yoga basics in a "quieter" class, which doesn't mean that quiet can't be challenging. Once you've learned the basics, you can take more dynamic yoga classes. If you are already athletic, perhaps more dynamic types of yoga are more suitable. However, yoga is about "going within" whether you are athletic or non-athletic. Learning yoga postures stabilizes the body and mind and helps maintain health and joy of life.
    - If you have health problems (physical or mental), inform your yoga teacher or consult your doctor before you want to start practicing yoga (e.g. after surgery, spine and knee problems, heart disease).
    - bring comfortable clothing - you should not eat too much before yoga. It is advisable to wait approximately three hours after a large meal. If hunger is unbearable, fruit or a few nuts won't hurt, but make sure you don't necessarily have to go to the toilet for 90 minutes.
    - showering or refreshing with cold water before yoga (hands, face, feet, calves) will promote the execution and effect of yoga postures.
    During yoga
    - Try to follow the yoga teachers' instructions and concentrate on your body and yourself; on the current flexibility of your body! The announcement is just an orientation - you are allowed to practice an asana (yoga posture) in a way that suits your own current body flexibility and yoga experience and not the image of a "perfect" yogi that you may have seen on the Internet or the yoga experience of other participants
    - Practice patiently and mindfully (sometimes it takes years to learn an asana and actually experience, feel and understand its effect) - e.g. Pascimottanasana - the seated forward bend
    - If you are unsure about how to perform some asanas or do not understand something, ask questions, if possible at the end of a yoga class, or arrange an individual appointment
    - If anything in the body becomes uncomfortable during an asana, such as unpleasant tingling or other discomfort, then carefully come out of the position and relax.
    - please do not make any quick or twitching movements, an asana consists of three movement sections: performing the asana, remaining, returning from the asana. All three are done mindfully.
    After yoga
    - Yoga takes time to work. In yoga, as in life, expectations, wishes and ideas are obstacles that do not allow you to see or feel what is important.
    - It is advisable not to shower, eat or smoke straight after yoga. It would be a shame if you smoke straight after. The body was heated internally through yoga, various processes were stimulated, new energies were developed and a gentle detoxification took place. Everything takes time to balance out. Old masters even recommend massaging the sweat caused by yoga (not exercise!) back into the skin!
    Don't forget yoga outside of the mat: e.g. conscious breathing, mindfulness, being in the "here and now"...
    I wish you a lot of fun!

  • Yoga studio
  • Yoga course
  • Yoga teacher
  • Type of yoga classes
  • suitable for
  • Online yoga courses
  • Yoga videos
  • Course language:
  • Average Cost for a single hour: 15 €
  • Discount code
  • Regular courses:
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday public holidays
  • Course schedule

  • Courses for specific target groups:
    Courses for companies
  • special yoga offers
  • More offers

  • Ambiance
  • Furnishing
  • existing yoga accessories
  • reachability
  • public transportation

  • Certification
  • Experience in teaching
  • Member of the yoga association

  • Events
  • Training offers

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Route planner


    The operator of this yoga entry has not provided any directions.


    • Street: not specified
    • Postal code: not specified
    • City: Berlin und Kroatien
    • Federal State: Berlin
    • country: Germany
    • not specified
    • Berlin
    • Latitude : 52.501520
    • Longitude : 13.352080

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    Overall impression 5,0

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