About us - findedeinyoga.org
findedeinyoga.org is a free search portal for yoga studios and teachers throughout Europe. Here you can find a studio nearby using a map or special search filters. You can search for specific yoga styles, retreats or yoga training or for specific requirements such as open yoga classes and who they are suitable for.
The portal is free for visitors, yoga studios and yoga teachers, with no entry fees and no commission. Revenue is generated exclusively through premium entries. These are listed better in the ranking and are therefore requested more often.
Operator findedeinyoga.org

My name is Anke and I run the website findedeinyoga.org. I would like to give all yoga studios and teachers an opportunity to present themselves online. So that everyone can find the right yoga studio, yoga course or yoga teacher near them.
AnkeBrief history of the yoga platform:
We owe the start of the yoga portal to the founder Kai Patrick Jung, who built the website Yoga-Studios.info in 2013 out of his enthusiasm for yoga. From 2017 to 2023, Maria Radzimanowski and Sandro Schott took over the portal and turned it into FindeDeinYoga, a non-profit platform independent of yoga schools, in order to provide everyone interested in yoga with a neutral source of information. They added yoga training and events to the portal and published blog articles on various yoga topics together with yoga teachers.
The team behind the software

As managing director, Andrej takes care of planning, growth and customer support as well as organizing upcoming features.
Kai is a passionate developer and works on everything from specifications to C# code to HTML
Anton takes care of the programming of the backend. He also handles the administrative tasks and keeps an overview.
Karl is our junior developer and works diligently in all areas to comprehensively expand his knowledge.
KarlThe software discoverize
The software for managing findedeinyoga.org is discoverize. The system allows the creation of extensive search options and entry properties. It also offers a rating function and other options for optimizing the portal. A particular advantage of discoverize is the automatic creation of a URL structure, which enables an accurate representation of the target pages for queries via global search engines. Continuous expansions will further increase functionality in the future.