Why Yoga?
Yoga is more than meditation and spiritual energy - the goal is to create balance and unity between body and mind. Find out here how and why yoga makes you healthy, relaxed and happy!
What is Yoga?
Yoga is a holistic practice that originated in India and includes various physical, mental and spiritual elements . The term yoga itself comes from Sanskrit , the sacred language of India, where it is referred to as “union” or “connection” and refers to the connection of body, mind and soul, as well as the coming to rest of these elements.
You can find out more about the tradition, origin and history of yoga here.
Yoga as we know and practice it today combines different techniques, including:
- Asanas (yoga postures): Physical exercises and postures aimed at improving our flexibility, strength and endurance as well as correcting our posture.
- Pranayamas (for breath control): Breathing exercises used to regulate breathing, calm the mind, and direct energy in the body.
- Meditations and mindfulness exercises: techniques for concentration, self-reflection and calming the mind to achieve inner peace and clarity.
- Relaxation exercises to reduce stress: A variety of methods for relaxation, with the focus being on the here and now, which makes it possible to ignore everyday life for a certain period of time.
- Philosophy and Ethics: Yoga also includes a philosophical foundation based on ethical principles such as non-violence (Ahimsa), truthfulness (Satya), non-stealing (Asteya) and self-control (Brahmacharya). You can find out more about the basic elements of yoga and its tradition here.
In addition to dealing with body and mind, yoga is also related to a conscious lifestyle and the pursuit of harmony. People who live according to these principles and regularly practice yoga are called yogis or yoginis .
What are the differences in yoga?
Yoga is very diverse and can be practiced in very different ways. That's why there are a variety of different yoga styles. Whether powerful and demanding, spiritual flows and intensive meditations or very precise practice thanks to countless repetitions - yoga has an incredible number of facets. Therefore there should really be something for everyone who is open to this topic.
You can find out more about the different yoga styles and practices here.
What is yoga good for?
Even if it seems difficult to summarize the effects of yoga in a general way due to the diversity of the different types of yoga , there are a few aspects that can be mentioned here. Through regular exercise and practice, the body and mind are strengthened and we feel more balanced overall. Some of the effects of yoga will be discussed in more detail below.
Increasing physical health and reducing stress through yoga
The movement and breathing exercises have a balancing effect on the body. Muscles are strengthened and loosened, tensions are released, posture patterns change.

The asanas, meditations and pranayamas also have a stress-reducing effect. During the practice, the parasympathetic nervous system, the part of the brain responsible for relaxation, is stimulated. This inhibits the release of the stress hormone cortisol, so that we can relax and the body can regenerate. The parasympathetic nervous system lowers, among other things, the heart rhythm, breathing rate and the release of stress hormones.
From a medical perspective , yoga is also a complementary therapeutic option that can help provide relief from the following illnesses, among others: asthma, high blood pressure, problems with metabolism and body weight, headaches, back problems or joint problems .
However, in the case of medical diagnoses, the exercises should always be taught individually and by a yoga teacher with recognized therapeutic training . You can find special yoga courses that are funded by health insurance companies on our search page .
Yoga and Fitness
Different styles of yoga can put enormous strain on the muscles and get the body moving at different levels of intensity. In addition, intensive stretches promote flexibility of the entire body, which ultimately helps prevent injuries and makes the body's regeneration phases more efficient. This makes yoga a popular alternative or supplement to classic strength training or jogging.
Breath control and mental well-being
By consciously breathing during a yoga practice , the blood circulation in our circulatory system is stimulated and more blood is pumped through our body. This means more oxygen, which can ultimately increase our brain performance. Our minds then feel clearer and fitter, and we have more energy overall. Yoga can help us achieve emotional balance , mental clarity and a feeling of contentment .
Yoga and Detox
Through stress, environmental influences and industrially produced food, we humans absorb so many toxins that our well-being and physical fitness are massively impaired.
These substances also make us more susceptible to infections, flatulence, headaches or depression. In order to really get fit again, we first have to get rid of all these toxic burdens.
Yoga can help with that. On the one hand, during yoga , toxins are exhaled from the body through deep, calm breathing. There are also some special exercises, especially rotational exercises such as the rotating seat (see picture), which activate intestinal movements and thus also promote digestion . This means that leftover food can be excreted more quickly. Since the intestines and the bacteria they contain are largely responsible for our immune system, yoga also indirectly strengthens our immune system.
Anyone who practices sweaty yoga styles also excretes toxins through their skin.

Mindfulness and spiritual growth through yoga
Of course, yoga can also be a spiritual path that promotes self-reflection, mindfulness and a deeper connection to yourself . It can be a spiritual journey that supports the search for inner harmony and spiritual growth and in turn strengthens our own intuition. Because we often no longer listen to our gut feeling or even think that we have lost it.
Yoga is therefore a holistic practice that not only promotes physical fitness, but also helps to lead a conscious, balanced and fulfilled life . The versatility of the different yoga styles allows everyone, regardless of age, fitness level or personal motivation , to find the right yoga practice for themselves.
Are you now wondering how you can start practicing yoga?
Find your personal yoga experience in our search . There you can filter specifically according to your individual wishes and, thanks to reviews, pictures and comprehensive information about the individual offers, decide on exactly what is good for you.