Ausbildung zum diplomierten Yogalehrer - 200 h
yoga style:meditationVini YogaYin yogaOther
number of teaching units (UE):200 UE200 UE
duration of training:12 months12 months
Content for target groups:Elderly people Fatter people Pregnant women (prenatal)Elderly peopleFatter peoplePregnant women (prenatal)
yoga content:anatomyAsanasBhagavad GitaEnergy systemsFacial theory and meridiansHathapradipikameditationphysiologyPranayama (breathing exercises)UpanishadsVinyasa KramaYoga philosophyYoga Sutra (Patanjali)
- Training costs (total): 2550 €
Description Yoga teacher training
After successful completion, this 200h basic training at WiFi Burgenland (Economic Development Institute) will enable you to lead yoga groups in a meaningful and efficient manner. First, the journey goes inwards to find out for yourself what effects the numerous yoga exercises have on the body and mind. Your soul (Atman) is touched and experienced - the connection to the greater (Brahman) is revealed to you!
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phone: not specified
Yoga teacher training nearby
PremiumPremium yoga teacher training courses from nearby are primarily displayed here.
YogalehrerIn Ausbildungen Wiener Neustadt 21.3 km
Upanishad Ayurveda und diplomierter Yogalehrer Furth bei Göttweig 90.2 km
Yoga Ausbildung Multi-Style in Wien, Online, Bildungskarenz Wien 44.2 km
trees and stories Steyr 159.1 km
Upanishad Ayurveda und diplomierter Yogalehrer St. Georgen an der Gusen 161.3 km
YogalehrerIn Ausbildung Zwettl Zwettl 131.9 km
Properties Yoga teacher training Ausbildung zum diplomierten Yogalehrer - 200 h
yoga style:
meditationVini YogaYin yogaOther
number of teaching units (UE):
200 UE
duration of training:
12 months
- Maximum duration of training: 12 Months
- Intensive course
- Our training is structured in...
yoga content:
anatomyAsanasBhagavad GitaEnergy systemsFacial theory and meridiansHathapradipikameditationphysiologyPranayama (breathing exercises)UpanishadsVinyasa KramaYoga philosophyYoga Sutra (Patanjali)
Content for lesson planning:
Didactics as a yoga teacherLesson preparationAtmosphere/timing/sequencingTypical errors and correctionsStarting a business and becoming self-employedYoga student's own practice
Content for target groups:
Elderly peopleFatter peoplePregnant women (prenatal)
Mediated Yoga Paths:
Bhakti Yoga (Yoga of Devotion)Hatha Yoga (Yoga of the Body)Jnana Yoga (Yoga of Knowledge)Karma Yoga (Yoga of Action)Kundalini Yoga (Yoga of Energies)Raja Yoga (Yoga of Meditation)
- Training costs (total): 2550 €
- Inclusive services: Diploma exhibition, funding
- Exclusive services: Accommodation costs, meals
language of training:
- Participants per course: Max. 12
learning and teaching methods:
Lectures/Lectureswork in groupsself reflectionIndividual lessonsCarrying out teaching samplesObservation with other teachershomework
- Download
- Format of training
- Completion certificate: Diploma from the Austrian Chamber of Commerce
- Educational bonus or educational leave recognized
recognition by professional association:
none mentioned here
existing yoga accessories:
Yoga blocksYoga straps
Showerlocker roomYoga booksSitting areafree WiFi
CozyModernLarge rooms
- public transportation
no accommodation necessary
ambience of the accommodation:
Large rooms
- About Us
- How long has this training existed?: since 2015
- Number of yoga students trained to date: 30
- Yoga course / yoga studio - profile
- Events
- Further education
- Link to Facebook
- Link to Instagram
- Link to Pinterest
- Link to Twitter
- Link to YouTube
Location Yoga teacher training
Route plannerDirections
The operator of this Yoga teacher training entry has not provided any directions.
- Street: Robert-Graf-Platz 1
- Postal code: PLZ 7000
- City: not specified
- Federal State: Burgenland
- country: Austria
- not specified
- Neusiedler See
- Nord
- Burgenland
- Latitude : 47.842570
- Longitude : 16.526990
address: Robert-Graf-Platz 1 7000 WiFi/WKO Eisenstadt Austria
- phone: not specified
- fax: not specified
- To the card
- For directions
- Homepage:
Popular Yogalehrer Ausbildungen
PremiumPremium Yogalehrer Ausbildungen with the best ratings are primarily displayed here.
YogalehrerIn Ausbildungen Wiener Neustadt 21.3 km
Upanishad Ayurveda und diplomierter Yogalehrer Furth bei Göttweig 90.2 km
Yoga Ausbildung Multi-Style in Wien, Online, Bildungskarenz Wien 44.2 km
YogalehrerIn Ausbildung Zwettl Zwettl 131.9 km
Upanishad Ayurveda und diplomierter Yogalehrer St. Georgen an der Gusen 161.3 km
trees and stories Steyr 159.1 km
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