yoga style:Power yoga Vinyasa flowPower yogaVinyasa flow
number of teaching units (UE):under 200 UEunder 200 UE
duration of training:OtherOther
Content for target groups:no particular focusno particular focus
yoga content:anatomyAsanasmeditationphysiologyPranayama (breathing exercises)SanskritYoga philosophyYoga Sutra (Patanjali)
- Training costs (total): 469 €
Description Yoga teacher training
During the training you will learn the elementary asanas, the yoga philosophy, the teachings of bandhas and exercises for energy control that work inside the body using muscle contractions. You will also learn the functions of the chakras and receive practical implementation strategies so that you can work professionally as a yoga teacher in the future.Continue reading
From the origins of yoga to relaxation and meditation techniques to correct breathing and the versatile exercises, the asanas - our yoga instructors will take you by the hand and teach you everything you need to know about yoga practice. In short, you will learn how to become a good yoga teacher and how a perfect yoga class is structured.
After the training, you will be able to pass on the yoga teachings to others in your own unique way, respond individually to your customers and lead them to optimal results. You also have the tools to bring your own body and mind into harmony. Even if your everyday life is sometimes stressful, you remain calm and positive because you understand that your well-being is in your hands.
Like all forms of yoga, Power Vinyasa Yoga aims to bring body, mind and soul into harmony. The mixture of Vinyasa Yoga and Power Yoga creates a powerful and balanced form of yoga. In Vinyasa Yoga, the transitions between the asanas are fluid and follow the rhythm of inhalation and exhalation. The Power Yoga exercises are powerful and train the entire body. For practitioners, but also for yoga beginners, this is an optimal mix of athletic training and relaxation.
Yoga teacher training nearby
PremiumPremium yoga teacher training courses from nearby are primarily displayed here.
YOM Yogaschule Münsterland YOM Basic
Experience a unique yoga teacher training in the heart of NRW
Beckum 180.9 km -
Qi-Life Yogalehrer Ausbildung 220h
Find your way, go your way
Andernach 229.5 km -
Eine intensive Reise durch die 7 Chakren mit Heilyoga nach Jeannette Krüssenberg Mespelbrunn 162.0 km
2-Jahres-Yogalehrer*in-Ausbildung - berufsbegleitend in deiner Nähe Horn-Bad Meinberg 129.8 km
Yoga Vidya YogalehrerIn Bamberg 142.9 km
Properties Yoga teacher training Online Trainer Lizenz - Ausbildung zum/r Yogalehrer/in
yoga style:
Power yogaVinyasa flow
number of teaching units (UE):
under 200 UE
duration of training:
- Maximum duration of training: 6 Months
- Intensive course
Our training is structured in...:
The training is divided into 18 modules.
The duration of the training depends on the individual learning pace.
After completing all modules and successfully passing the online intermediate exam, the practical training and final exam take place, which also take place online.
yoga content:
anatomyAsanasmeditationphysiologyPranayama (breathing exercises)SanskritYoga philosophyYoga Sutra (Patanjali)
Content for lesson planning:
Didactics as a yoga teacherLesson preparationAtmosphere/timing/sequencingTypical errors and correctionsYoga student's own practice
Content for target groups:
no particular focus
Mediated Yoga Paths:
Hatha Yoga (Yoga of the Body)
- Training costs (total): 469 €
Inclusive services:
Individual duration
Free trial access
Teaching script with 19 modules
numerous practice-oriented teaching videos
Support via email, telephone & live chat
Fitness Experts Webinar
Online yoga masterclasses
Access to our Yoga-Pilates expert group (Facebook)
- Exclusive services: Examination costs on the day of the online examination: 150€
language of training:
- Participants per course: not specified
learning and teaching methods:
self reflectionIndividual lessonsOn-line
- Download
Format of training:
Completion certificate:
Certificate after state-certified training
The yoga training is a state-certified distance learning course that is approved by the State Central Office for Distance Learning (ZFU) under number 7337019. - Educational bonus or educational leave recognized
recognition by professional association:
none mentioned here
- existing yoga accessories
- Furnishing
- accessibility
- public transportation: not specified
no accommodation necessary
ambience of the accommodation:
- About Us: As an online academy, we focus on the highest quality and a modern, forward-looking learning system that enables training that is not tied to a specific time or location. We guarantee maximum success with flexible scheduling and self-determination!
- How long has this training existed?: since 2019
- Number of yoga students trained to date: 1000
- Yoga course / yoga studio - profile
- Events
- Further education
- Link to Facebook
- Link to Instagram
- Link to Pinterest
- Link to Twitter
- Link to YouTube
The training including the final examination (theory + practice) takes place entirely online.
address: Onlinekurs Onlinekurs Onlinekurs Germany
- phone: +49 30 ... show
- fax: not specified
- To the card
- For directions
- Homepage: www.online-trainer-lizenz.de/yoga-ausbildung.html
Popular Yogalehrer Ausbildungen
PremiumPremium Yogalehrer Ausbildungen with the best ratings are primarily displayed here.
YOM Yogaschule Münsterland YOM Basic
Experience a unique yoga teacher training in the heart of NRW
Beckum 180.9 km -
Qi-Life Yogalehrer Ausbildung 220h
Find your way, go your way
Andernach 229.5 km -
Yoga Vidya YogalehrerIn Bamberg 142.9 km
Thai Yoga Massage Ausbildung mit Yoga & Meditation Horn-Bad Meinberg 129.8 km
Systemische & mediale Aufstellungsarbeit - EssenzDialog®Ausbildung - mediale Beratung - Aufstellungsarbeit - Heilarbeit Mespelbrunn 162.0 km
All information about Yoga teacher training Online Trainer Lizenz - Ausbildung zum/r Yogalehrer/in is without guarantee
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