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Heilyogalehrer*in Ausbildung mit Zertifikat

Integral healing work and psychosomatic, spiritual health training

  1. Yoga training
  2. Germany
  3. Bavaria
    1. Allgäu / Bayerisch Schwaben
    2. Region Schwaben
    3. Mespelbrunn
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Description Yoga teacher training

Healing Yoga Teacher Training
Healing yoga according to Jeannette Krüssenberg – an integral healing work with certificate in 12 or 20 modules
or as advanced training for yoga teachers with 7 modules or more from 13.09.2024
What is special about the healing yoga training?
In the healing yoga training according to Jeannette Krüssenberg you will acquire extensive skills to teach healing yoga in a professional, topic-related and holistic way in groups and in individual work.
The understanding that yoga is a path of self-exploration, mindfulness, the ability to self-regulate and ultimately a spiritual path to awakening is conveyed accordingly in the classes.
The participants experience a progressive understanding of themselves and the connections between body, mind and soul.
A journey through the 7 chakras and stages of development, combined with methods of personal development and integral healing work, allows you to experience yoga practice even more deeply.
We provide our students with intensive support in their further development and the realisation of their potential.
The goal of every healing yoga class is to provide healing impulses and to learn to understand the language of the body with a spirit of inquiry. We don't just want to concentrate on the physical processes, which often happens mistakenly in yoga and leads to dissociation, but we want to reconnect with our feelings.
Healing can only occur through conscious awareness and devotion to the present moment.
We accompany and support people with love, care, directness, honesty and compassion through transformation processes in order to achieve a state of inner wholeness through acceptance of what is.
Our team is trained to create space for everyone who comes to us and decides to go through an intensive apprenticeship with us, which is lovingly accompanied with integrity.
Healing yoga according to Jeannette Krüssenberg is an outstanding, psychosomatic and integrative concept of health promotion and is based on a deep understanding of yoga, Ayurveda, spirituality and methods of health training.
The healing yoga training not only enables you to teach yoga creatively, thematically and with joy, but also teaches you the basics of healing work and coaching.
You will be accompanied by an experienced team of experts in an exquisite small group, personal atmosphere and bright rooms. You will benefit from Jeannette’s almost 40 years of teaching experience.
Yoga has long been recognized by health insurance companies, is increasingly recommended by doctors and is used successfully in schools, companies, retirement homes, etc. Yoga is a popular and effective method to reduce stress and become healthier, more vital and more flexible. In its original meaning, yoga is much more.
“By moving through the body, yoga aims to penetrate into the soul and spirit and help to expand consciousness until one has learned to recognize oneself.”
This healing yoga teacher training is based on the framework guidelines of the European Yoga Union (EYU) and goes beyond the 200 hours required by the European and American Yoga Alliance.
Do you want to learn more than traditional yoga?
Then you’ve come to the right place!
There are three different training levels of healing yoga according to Jeannette Krüssenberg
Level 1: Chakra Healing Yoga as advanced training for yoga teachers in 7 modules
Are you already a yoga teacher and would like to expand your knowledge? Would you like to combine yoga practice with healing work, transparent communication and therapeutic methods and support your students and clients even more sustainably? Would you like to acquire the skills to be able to hold the space even in deep processes and coach people in individual sessions?
Healing yoga teacher in 12 modules
Level 2: Within 12 modules you can train to become a healing yoga teacher.
Healing yoga teacher in 20 modules Requirements certification by health insurance companies
Level 3: With more than 450 hours of instruction, the required learning content over a period of 2 years, our long advanced training meets the strict requirements of the health insurance companies' "Prevention Guidelines".
General training content:
Healing Yoga Practice
Meditation – Techniques & Effects
Pranayama – Techniques & Effects
Respiratory therapy
Mantras and Mudras
Test reflexes (protection, flight, fight, freeze)
stretch the arches of the body alive
Partner exercises
Trance and deep relaxation
Yoga Nidra
Different styles of Hatha Yoga (e.g. Marma Yoga, Somatic Yoga,
Partner Yoga, Acro Yoga, Yoga Nidra and Yin Yoga)
Yoga for specific target groups – e.g. seniors, women in menopause, for a healthy back
Ayurveda, the science of healthy living
recognize your own Prakriti
Basics of health promotion and prevention
Asanas to balance the doshas
The chakras
Healing journey through the 7 chakras
The development journey through the 7 chakras
Asana practice, meditations, pranayama and healing journeys specifically for each chakra
Experience 7 levels of consciousness
the effect of the 7 colours
meet the 7 shadows
experience the 7 qualities
Methodology & Didactics
Theme-based, process-oriented healing yoga
Practice lessons
Pedagogy, Psychology
Class structure
Teaching concepts – resources
Conducting lessons with detailed feedback
Giving and receiving feedback correctly
Voice and rhetoric training
Dealing with resistance and strong emotions
Yoga philosophy
Philosophy and history of yoga
Yoga Sutras & the Eightfold Yoga Path according to Patanjali
Introduction to the Bhagavad Gita
Healing work
the nature of trauma and how it manifests itself in the body
Mystical Principles of Healing
Energy work
Constellation work
Thai Massage
Breathing treatment
Training intuition and communication
Reading in the field of consciousness
creative methods – media painting and media writing
transparent communication according to Thomas Hübl
Rapport – the art of listening
Pacing and Leading
Coaching tools
Creating and interpreting soul images
Anatomy & Physiology
Basics: skeleton, fascia, respiratory organs, etc.
Presence WE Dates:
1st Module: 13.-15.09.2024 1st Chakra- stability, roots, ancestors, finding your own place
2nd module: 01.-03.11.2024 2nd chakra – feelings, vitality, sexuality, liveliness, joy
3rd Module: 06.-08.12.2024 3rd Chakra – Will, Self-Empowerment, Enthusiasm, Passion
4th Module: 17 – 19.01.2025 4th Chakra – Love, compassion practice, heart’s desires
5th module: 28.02. – 02.03.2025 5th Chakra – communication, singing, language, creativity, clairaudience
6th Module: 11.- 13.04.2025 6th Chakra – Mediumship, Vision, Manifestation, Concentration
7th Module: 30.05.- 01.06.2025 7th Chakra – Awakening, connection to the highest consciousness
8th Module: 11 – 13.07.2025 Ayurveda – Gunas, Doshas, ​​Prakriti, Nutrition, Marmas
9th module: 12. – 14.09.2025 The great breath, Mantra OM, Pranayama, Wim Hof, breathing therapy
10th module: 24 – 26.10.2025 Yoga for specific target groups, menopause, seniors, back
11th module: 28.11. – 30.11.2025 Meditation
12th Module: 16 – 18.01.2026 Conclusion – Coaching and Healing Work
Online appointments:
Further online dates will follow.
Please note that we reserve the right to change dates and locations as well as lecturers for important reasons.
Times: Friday from 5pm – 9pm, Saturday from 8.30am – 6pm, Sunday from 8.30am – 4pm
Online lessons via Zoom 12 x per month 5.3 UE (4 hours), Sundays from 9.00 – 13.00
The online lessons via Zoom will be recorded.
Yoga lessons at home or online, freely selectable within the training period (not included in the price)
Regular yoga practice, homework, study of the scriptures
Please arrange an information meeting with me.
Call 017622254731
  • Yoga style:
    Hatha yoga Hormone yoga Iyengar yoga all...
    Hatha yoga
    Hormone yoga
    Iyengar yoga
    Kundalini yoga
    Yin yoga
    Yoga Nidra
  • Number of teaching units (UE):
    under 200 UE 200 UE 300 UE all...
    under 200 UE
    200 UE
    300 UE
    400 UE
  • Duration of training:
    less than 12 months 12 months 18 months all...
    less than 12 months
    12 months
    18 months
    24 Months
  • Content for target groups:
    Elderly people Accessible yoga Fatter people all...
    Elderly people
    Accessible yoga
    Fatter people
    Regression (postnatal)
    Pregnant women (prenatal)
    no particular focus
  • Yoga content:
    anatomy Asanas Ayurveda all...
    Bhagavad Gita
    Energy systems
    Facial theory and meridians
    Kirtan (mantras)
    Pranayama (breathing exercises)
    Vinyasa Krama
    Yoga philosophy
    Yoga Sutra (Patanjali)
  • Training costs (total)
  • all properties (49)

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Properties of this Yoga teacher training entry

  • Yoga style:
    Hatha yoga
    Hormone yoga
    Iyengar yoga
    Kundalini yoga
    Yin yoga
    Yoga Nidra
  • Our yoga style is characterized by…: Healing yoga is a comprehensive system for personal development

  • Number of teaching units (UE):
    under 200 UE
    200 UE
    300 UE
    400 UE
  • Duration of training:
    less than 12 months
    12 months
    18 months
    24 Months
  • Maximum duration of training: 26 Months
  • Our training is structured in...: Advanced training in healing yoga in 7 modules "Journey through the chakras", training in healing yoga in 12 modules and training in integral healing yoga & EssenzDialog®Coach in 20 modules for certification by health insurance companies.

  • Yoga content:
    Bhagavad Gita
    Energy systems
    Facial theory and meridians
    Kirtan (mantras)
    Pranayama (breathing exercises)
    Vinyasa Krama
    Yoga philosophy
    Yoga Sutra (Patanjali)
  • Content for lesson planning:
    Didactics as a yoga teacher
    Lesson preparation
    Typical errors and corrections
    Starting a business and becoming self-employed
    Yoga student's own practice
  • Content for target groups:
    Elderly people
    Accessible yoga
    Fatter people
    Regression (postnatal)
    Pregnant women (prenatal)
    no particular focus
  • Mediated yoga paths:
    Hatha Yoga (Yoga of the Body)
    Kundalini Yoga (Yoga of Energies)
    Raja Yoga (Yoga of Meditation)
  • Training course

  • Training costs (total)
  • Inclusive services: Intensive support & teaching materials
  • Exclusive services: Accommodation and meals
  • language of training:
  • not specified
  • Learning and teaching forms:
    work in groups
    self reflection
    Carrying out teaching samples
  • Download
  • Format of training:
    On site

  • Completion certificate: After completing the full training and passing the teaching test, the students receive the “Healing Yoga Teacher according to Jeannette Krüssenberg” certificate.
  • Recognized by health insurance companies
  • Yoga Alliance (AYA) certified
  • Educational bonus or educational leave recognized
  • Recognition by professional association:
    BDY (Professional Association of Yoga Teachers in Germany)

  • existing yoga accessories:
    Meditation stool
    Seat / meditation cushion
    Yoga blocks
    Yoga straps
    Yoga mats
  • Furnishing:
    locker room
    Sitting area
    free WiFi
  • Ambiance:
    Large rooms
    Small rooms
  • You will feel comfortable with us because…
  • Our premises
  • reachability:
    good by bus
    good by car
  • public transportation

  • Accommodation:
    Single room
    External accommodation
  • Ambience of the accommodation:
    Small rooms
  • Our accommodations are...
  • Impressions in pictures

  • About Us: During this intensive training period with a team of competent and experienced teachers, life-changing processes become possible. Participants develop the self-competence to support themselves and others with deeper issues. Practical knowledge is also imparted so that other people can also accompany them in their process.
    We only work in small groups of 8-16 participants to ensure a good quality of training and attach great importance to supporting all participants personally and promoting their individual skills so that everyone can get the most out of the training. A small group develops much more trust and connection with one another, which is beneficial for the healing process.
  • How long has this training existed?: since 2010
  • Number of yoga students trained to date: 150
  • Our yoga training videos:
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    Yoga in essence. Yoga as a path to healing. Interview with Jeannette Krüssenberg
  • Our yoga teachers introduce themselves...

  • Yoga course / yoga studio - profile
  • Events
  • Further education

Yoga teacher training card

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    • not specified
    • Latitude : 48.400760
    • Longitude : 9.956140

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