Workshop "Ein Glas voller Wünsche 2025"
Event type:Yoga retreat Different eventYoga retreatDifferent event
Yoga style:Hatha yogaKundalini yogaMeditationSivananda Yoga
Yoga elements:Asanas meditation PranayamaAsanasmeditationPranayama
suitable for:BeginnerAdvanced yogisyoung adultsAdultWomenMenfatter peoplePregnant womenLGBT
Description Yoga event
A yoga sequence specially designed for this occasion will first connect you with your own intuition so that you can really become aware of your innermost wishes. Working with effective affirmations and a guided meditation will then show you what is really important to you. You can then manifest all of this directly as part of a beautiful ritual and bring your very own personal wish jar to life. In this sense: Let the magic happen!
Yoga events nearby
PremiumPremium yoga events from nearby are primarily shown here.
Workshop "Yoga und Ayurveda Cleanse" Duisburg 0.0 km
Entspannung in Düsseldorf-Wersten Düsseldorf 20.9 km
Yin Yoga - Schnuppereinheit Ratingen 13.1 km
Tandava Meditation - Der Tanz mit dem Kosmos Intensiv Workshop in Düsseldorf Düsseldorf 16.8 km
Veggie World Düsseldorf Düsseldorf 12.8 km
Properties Yoga event Workshop "Ein Glas voller Wünsche 2025"
Event type:
Yoga retreatDifferent event
- Number of participants: 12 People
- Price: 45 Euro
- free yoga event
- information
Yoga style:
Hatha yogaKundalini yogaMeditationSivananda Yoga
Yoga elements:
suitable for:
BeginnerAdvanced yogisyoung adultsAdultWomenMenfatter peoplePregnant womenLGBT
spoken languages):
Yoga studio
existing yoga accessories:
CoverSeat / meditation cushionYoga blocksYoga strapsYoga mats
locker roomYoga booksfree WiFiWC
- public transportation: 0.1 km away
external accommodation
Ambience of the accommodation:
CozyModernSmall rooms
About Us:
Yoga Nidhana - your yoga studio for Hatha and Kundalini Yoga. True to the motto "form follows function", Yoga Nidhana tries to meet each individual where he or she is at the moment and to teach the asanas in such a way that the exercises adapt to the participants and not the other way around.
This type of individual support is ensured by small group sizes of a maximum of 10-12 participants, with the daily yoga classes offering a varied program for all levels and needs.
Yoga course / yoga studio - profile:
47259 Duisburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Yoga Style:Hatha yoga Kundalini yoga meditationHatha yogaKundalini yogameditationRestorative yogaSivananda YogaYin yogaYoga NidraYoga VidyaOnline yoga courses - Training offers
- Link to Facebook
- Link to Instagram
- Link to Pinterest
- Link to Twitter
- Link to YouTube
Location Yoga event
Route plannerDirections
see Google Maps
- Street: Zum Grind 5 Yogastudio Yoga Nidhana
- Postal code: 47259
- City: Duisburg
- Federal State: North Rhine-Westphalia
- country: Germany
- Mündelheim
- Latitude : 51.356884
- Longitude : 6.684848
address: Zum Grind 5 Yogastudio Yoga Nidhana 47259 Duisburg Germany
- phone: +49 203... show
- fax: not specified
- To the card
- For directions
- Homepage:
Popular Yoga Events
PremiumPremium Yoga Events with the best ratings are primarily displayed here.
Workshop "Yoga und Ayurveda Cleanse" Duisburg 0.0 km
Yin Yoga - Schnuppereinheit Ratingen 13.1 km
Entspannung in Düsseldorf-Wersten Düsseldorf 20.9 km
Veggie World Düsseldorf Düsseldorf 12.8 km
Tandava Meditation - Der Tanz mit dem Kosmos Intensiv Workshop in Düsseldorf Düsseldorf 16.8 km
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