Yoga Style:Centered YogaHatha yogaHormone yogaChildren's yogaKundalini yogameditationRestorative yogaSivananda YogaThai yoga massageVinyasa flowYin yogaYoga NidraYoga VidyaOther
- Online yoga courses
- Courses supported by health insurance companies
Furnishing:locker roomShowerYoga shopSitting areafree WiFiWC
existing yoga accessories:Chairs Yoga blocks Yoga strapsChairsYoga blocksYoga straps
Courses for specific target groups:Courses for young peopleCourses for childrenCourses for pregnant women (prenatal)Courses for seniorsCourses for women onlyCourses for men onlyPostnatal coursesYoga for wheelchair users (people with limited mobility)Courses for companies
special yoga offers:Nutrition coursesMantra chanting (Kirtan)Meditation coursesPranayama courses
reachability:very good connection
suitable for:BeginnerAdvancedChildren / young peopleElderly peopleFatter peoplePregnant womenNew mothersBlind and visually impaired people
- Yoga videos
Description yoga
I am a yoga teacher with deep conviction and dedication. I have been practicing Buddhist-Tibetan meditation and yoga for many years. I completed my yoga teacher training at the International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center in Reith, Austria. I am currently continuing my education at the Yoga University in Villeret, Switzerland. My yoga is for you and for all people who long to turn inward and create an inner oasis there. With breathing exercises (Pranayama) you gain more energy. I make sure that you breathe deeply and calmly throughout your yoga practice and that you perform the postures (asanas) synchronously and mindfully with your breathing. You gain strength and mobility of your entire body and mind. I hope that you experience how the yoga exercises affect you and how they affect your everyday life. It's important to me that you pay attention to your boundaries. I will give you variations for the exercises and you decide which alternative feels good to you at that moment. My yoga classes consist of a balanced mix of tension and relaxation. This is how you train yourself to relax in difficult circumstances in life. The ultimate goal of the practice is to experience greater well-being, health, happiness and peace. I'm really looking forward to sharing my yoga with you.
Send non-binding inquiryphone: +41 77 ... show
Phone 2: +41 332... show
Homepage: www.allyoga.ch
Properties yoga ALLYOGA-Martha Barthel
Yoga Style:
Centered YogaHatha yogaHormone yogaChildren's yogaKundalini yogameditationRestorative yogaSivananda YogaThai yoga massageVinyasa flowYin yogaYoga NidraYoga VidyaOther
- Beginners or first-time visitors should keep this in mind: Bring your own yoga mat and if you have symptoms of illness, stay at home and consult your doctor about whether you can practice yoga.
- Yoga studio
- Yoga course
- Yoga teacher
Type of yoga classes:
Open yoga classesOpen courses (entry possible at any time)Trial lesson possible
suitable for:
BeginnerAdvancedChildren / young peopleElderly peopleFatter peoplePregnant womenNew mothersBlind and visually impaired people
- Online yoga courses
- Yoga videos
- Courses supported by health insurance companies
Course language:
- Average Cost for a single hour: 23 €
- Discount code: Allyoga new customer
- Note on the discount code
Regular courses:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday public holidays Open all day Open all day Open all day Open all day closed all day closed all day closed all day - Course schedule
Courses for specific target groups:
Courses for young peopleCourses for childrenCourses for pregnant women (prenatal)Courses for seniorsCourses for women onlyCourses for men onlyPostnatal coursesYoga for wheelchair users (people with limited mobility)Courses for companies
special yoga offers:
Nutrition coursesMantra chanting (Kirtan)Meditation coursesPranayama courses
More offers:
WorkshopsRetreats/yoga trips
CozySpiritualLarge roomsSmall rooms
locker roomShowerYoga shopSitting areafree WiFiWC
existing yoga accessories:
ChairsYoga blocksYoga straps
- public transportation: 100 m away
200 UE Yoga Alliance (AYA)500 UE Yoga teacher Basic BDY
- Experience in teaching
- Member of the yoga association
- Events
- Training offers
- yoga offerings
- Link to Facebook
- Link to Instagram
- Link to Pinterest
- Link to Twitter
- Link to YouTube
- podcast
Location yoga
Route plannerDirections
A6 towards Bern, exit Thun Nord, drive towards Gunten.
- Street: Bühlstrasse, 20 20
- Postal code: 3658
- City: Merligen
- Federal State: Bern
- country: Switzerland
- Gunten
- Thun
- Berner
- Oberland
- Latitude : 38.935541
- Longitude : -77.025367
address: Bühlstrasse, 20 20 3658 Merligen Switzerland
- phone: +41 77 ... show
- Phone 2: +41 332... show
- fax: +41 332510609
- To the card
- For directions
- Homepage: www.allyoga.ch
All information about yoga ALLYOGA-Martha Barthel is without guarantee
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