Heike Tuider - Yogaimpulse
Yoga Style:breathing yogaHatha yogaHormone yogaLaughter yogameditationSwastha YogaYin yogaYoga Nidra
- Online yoga courses
- Courses supported by health insurance companies
FurnishingFurnishing: not specified
existing yoga accessories:Yoga blocks Yoga strapsYoga blocksYoga straps
Courses for specific target groups:Courses for seniors Courses for companiesCourses for seniorsCourses for companies
special yoga offers:Mantra chanting (Kirtan) Individual lessons / personal yogaMantra chanting (Kirtan)Individual lessons / personal yoga
reachabilityreachability: not specified
suitable for:BeginnerAdvancedElderly peopleFatter peopleBlind and visually impaired people
- Yoga videos
Description yoga
to pause • reflect • gain strength • find solutions for life
as a break from everyday life • arrive • gain energy
I am interested in people in their entirety and the personal success of a good, fulfilling life.
I am fascinated by how yoga helps us to overcome challenges and develop our full potential. In my yoga classes I want to create a space in which we can bring body, mind and soul into harmony together so that inner peace and mindfulness can be felt. I value an authentic and lively practice that is both physically demanding and relaxing and contains all aspects of yoga.
Yoga nearby
PremiumPremium yoga classes nearby are primarily displayed here.
Properties yoga Heike Tuider - Yogaimpulse
Yoga Style:
breathing yogaHatha yogaHormone yogaLaughter yogameditationSwastha YogaYin yogaYoga Nidra
Beginners or first-time visitors should keep this in mind:
Please register - you can join my courses at any time!
Yoga mat/gym mat
Seat cushion or blanket
Wear clothes that you feel comfortable in!
This can be yoga pants, jogging pants/leggings or a top/T-shirt. For the breathing exercises, meditation and the final relaxation, a longer shirt/sweater/vest to put on or socks.
- Yoga studio
- Yoga course
- Yoga teacher
Type of yoga classes:
Open courses (entry possible at any time)
suitable for:
BeginnerAdvancedElderly peopleFatter peopleBlind and visually impaired people
- Online yoga courses
- Yoga videos
- Courses supported by health insurance companies
Course language:
- Average Cost for a single hour: do not provide any information
- Discount code
- Note on the discount code
Regular courses:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday public holidays - Course schedule
Courses for specific target groups:
Courses for seniorsCourses for companies
special yoga offers:
Mantra chanting (Kirtan)Individual lessons / personal yoga
- More offers
- Ambiance
- Furnishing
existing yoga accessories:
Yoga blocksYoga straps
- reachability
- public transportation
800 UE BYV
- Experience in teaching
- Member of the yoga association
- Events
- Training offers
- yoga offerings
- Link to Facebook
- Link to Instagram
- Link to Pinterest
- Link to Twitter
- Link to YouTube
- podcast
Location yoga
Route plannerDirections
The operator of this yoga entry has not provided any directions.
- Street: Albert-Reiter-Straße 8
- Postal code: 3830
- City: Waidhofen an der Thaya
- Federal State: Lower Austria
- country: Austria
- not specified
- Latitude : 48.808732
- Longitude : 15.276149
address: Albert-Reiter-Straße 8 3830 Waidhofen an der Thaya Austria
- phone: +43 680... show
- fax: not specified
- To the card
- For directions
- Homepage: www.yogaimpulse.at/
opening hours
opening hours:Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | public holidays |
Popular Yoga
PremiumPremium Yoga with the best ratings are primarily displayed here.
All information about yoga Heike Tuider - Yogaimpulse is without guarantee
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Public questions and answers about Heike Tuider - Yogaimpulse
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