Yoga Style:Acro yogaHatha yogaIyengar yogameditationPower yogaYin yoga
- Online yoga courses
- Courses supported by health insurance companies
Furnishing:locker roomShowerYoga shopYoga booksSitting areafree WiFiWC
existing yoga accessories:CoverSeat / meditation cushionChairsYoga blocksYoga strapsYoga mats
Courses for specific target groups:barrier-free coursesCourses for young peopleCourses for childrenCourses for pregnant women (prenatal)Courses for seniorsCourses for women onlyCourses for men onlyPostnatal coursesCourses for companies
special yoga offersspecial yoga offers: not specified
reachability:good by car
suitable for:BeginnerAdvancedChildren / young peopleElderly peopleFatter peoplePregnant womenNew mothers
- Yoga videos
Description yoga
Would you like to be a little more mobile? Something more powerful? A little more balanced? Are you fascinated by the flowing movements of yoga? Or do the challenging exercises arouse your ambition? Are you looking for a relaxed effect? Or about uncomplicated sociability?
Did anyone recommend you take a look? Or has someone advised you to change something in your life? For example, the pain in your back? Or maybe someone who really cares about you? Everything together? Or something completely different…?
Whatever it is, you're here and that's good. This is the first step. You can find out everything else on the following pages. Or directly in our studio. I look forward to you!
Yoga nearby
PremiumPremium yoga classes nearby are primarily displayed here.
Purayoga - dein Yogastudio in Mallersdorf - Pfaffenberg Mallersdorf-Pfaffenberg 3.3 km
present yoga Wörth an der Isar 18.5 km
Yoga für Fortgeschrittene Geiselhöring 11.5 km
nicolayoga - because it feels good!
Schwaig 108.6 km -
LebensManufaktur & YogaRaum Regensburg 30.8 km
Properties yoga Olli's Yoga
Yoga Style:
Acro yogaHatha yogaIyengar yogameditationPower yogaYin yoga
- Beginners or first-time visitors should keep this in mind: Not sure if yoga is right for you? You don't know whether you feel comfortable in our studio? Do you have a question that we have not yet answered on these pages? Then come by and get to know each other! To start with, we recommend the 'gentle yoga classes', which make it easy to get started regardless of your physical abilities and skills. By the way, a trial lesson in our studio only costs twenty euros and is absolutely non-binding
- Yoga studio
- Yoga course
- Yoga teacher
Type of yoga classes:
Open yoga classesOpen courses (entry possible at any time)Trial lesson possible
suitable for:
BeginnerAdvancedChildren / young peopleElderly peopleFatter peoplePregnant womenNew mothers
- Online yoga courses
- Yoga videos
- Courses supported by health insurance companies
Course language:
- Average Cost for a single hour: do not provide any information
- Discount code
- Note on the discount code
Regular courses:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday public holidays closed all day closed all day closed all day - Course schedule
Courses for specific target groups:
barrier-free coursesCourses for young peopleCourses for childrenCourses for pregnant women (prenatal)Courses for seniorsCourses for women onlyCourses for men onlyPostnatal coursesCourses for companies
- special yoga offers
- More offers
CozyModernLarge rooms
locker roomShowerYoga shopYoga booksSitting areafree WiFiWC
existing yoga accessories:
CoverSeat / meditation cushionChairsYoga blocksYoga strapsYoga mats
- public transportation: 1000 m away
800 UE BYVother certification
Experience in teaching:
> 5000 yoga courses
Member of the yoga association:
BYV (The Professional Association of Yoga Vidya Teachers)
- Events
- Training offers
- yoga offerings
- Link to Facebook
- Link to Instagram
- Link to Pinterest
- Link to Twitter
- Link to YouTube
- podcast
Location yoga
Route plannerDirections
The operator of this yoga entry has not provided any directions.
- Street: Buchetweg 7
- Postal code: 84066
- City: Mallersdorf-Pfaffenberg
- Federal State: Bavaria
- country: Germany
- Mallersdorf
- Latitude : 48.777070
- Longitude : 12.247460
address: Buchetweg 7 84066 Mallersdorf-Pfaffenberg Germany
- phone: 08772 8... show
- fax: not specified
- To the card
- For directions
- Homepage: www.ollis-yoga.de
Popular Yoga
PremiumPremium Yoga with the best ratings are primarily displayed here.
Purayoga - dein Yogastudio in Mallersdorf - Pfaffenberg Mallersdorf-Pfaffenberg 3.3 km
present yoga Wörth an der Isar 18.5 km
Yoga für Fortgeschrittene Geiselhöring 11.5 km
nicolayoga - because it feels good!
Schwaig 108.6 km -
All information about yoga Olli's Yoga is without guarantee
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Public questions and answers about Olli's Yoga
Here you will find general questions and answers about the yoga entry. Ask a question if you have a public, general concern that might also be of interest to other visitors.
Click here to ask an individual question about the yoga entry .