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Coziness (feel-good factor)
Spirituality (incense factor)
Effort (sweat factor)
Grounding (relaxation factor)
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  • Yoga Style:
    Hormone yoga Kundalini Yoga meditation all...
    Hormone yoga
    Kundalini Yoga
    Thai Yoga Massage
    Yin Yoga
    Yoga Nidra
  • online yoga classes
  • equipment:
    changing room Shower Yoga books all...
    changing room
    Yoga books
    seating area
  • existing yoga accessories:
    Cover Seat / meditation cushion Chairs all...
    Seat / meditation cushion
    Yoga mats
  • courses for specific target groups:
    Courses for overweight people Courses for young people Courses for children all...
    Courses for overweight people
    Courses for young people
    Courses for children
    Courses for seniors
    Courses for women only
  • special yoga offerings:
    Mantra chanting (Kirtan) Meditation courses Pranayama courses all...
    Mantra chanting (Kirtan)
    Meditation courses
    Pranayama courses
    Individual lessons / Personal Yoga
  • accessibility
    accessibility: not specified
  • suitable for:
    beginner Advanced Children / young people all...
    Children / young people
    Older people
    Fatter people
    Pregnant women
    New mothers
  • yoga videos

Description yoga

Kundalini YOGA and meditation for women and children


Yoga nearby


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Properties yoga Ra Ma YOGA Eva-Maria Bauhaus

  • Yoga Style:
    Hormone yoga
    Kundalini yoga
    Thai yoga massage
    Yin yoga
    Yoga Nidra
  • Beginners or first-time visitors should keep this in mind: The yoga classes are open to everyone. We practice Kriyas at medium intensity. But beginners are also met where they are.
    Mats, blankets and tea are available on site. Feel free, welcome and loved.
    More details on my homepage.

  • yoga studio
  • yoga class
  • yoga teacher
  • type of yoga classes:
    Open yoga classes
    Open courses (entry possible at any time)
    Trial lesson possible
    Community Yoga (on a donation basis)
  • suitable for:
    Children / young people
    Elderly people
    Fatter people
    Pregnant women
    New mothers
  • online yoga classes
  • yoga videos
  • course language:
  • Average Cost for a single hour: 15 €
  • Discount code
  • Note on the discount code
  • Regular courses:
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday public holidays
  • Course schedule

  • courses for specific target groups:
    Courses for fat people
    Courses for young people
    Courses for children
    Courses for seniors
    Courses for women only
  • special yoga offerings:
    Mantra chanting (Kirtan)
    Meditation courses
    Pranayama courses
    Individual lessons / personal yoga
  • More offers:
    Retreats/yoga trips

  • ambience:
    Small rooms
  • equipment:
    locker room
    Yoga books
    Sitting area
  • existing yoga accessories:
    Seat / meditation cushion
    Yoga mats
  • accessibility
  • public transportation

  • certification:
    other certification
  • teaching experience
  • member of the Yoga Association:
    3HO (3HO Foundation)

  • Events
  • Training offers
  • yoga offerings

Location yoga

Route planner


    The operator of this yoga entry has not provided any directions.


    • Brünen
    • Latitude : 51.725890
    • Longitude : 6.680660

    Route planner Contact

    yoga reviews 9


    Overall impression 5,0

    How strong are the following points (no rating)

    Coziness (feel-good factor) 5,0
    Spirituality (incense factor) 5,0
    Effort (sweat factor) 3,8
    Grounding (relaxation factor) 5,0

    yoga Ra Ma YOGA Eva-Maria Bauhaus rate now

    5,0 / 5

    5 reviews

    via: Google

    Overall impression


    Eva Maria verleiht mir neue Energie, Balance und gibt mir Kraft zum Leben.

    Petra K. visited Ra Ma YOGA Eva-Maria Bauhaus in Januar 2020 .

    Overall impression

    Für mich das beste Yoga ever 🙏🏻

    Eva-Maria gibt nicht nur Yogastunden, sie IST Yoga durch und durch. Und das überträgt sich jede Woche aufs neue auf ihre Schülerinnen. Komplett in Frieden und energetisch aufgetankt geht man nach der Stunde nach Hause ♥️

    Kerstin G. visited Ra Ma YOGA Eva-Maria Bauhaus in Dezember 2019 .

    Overall impression

    Soulfood pur

    Ankommen, sich herzlich angenommen fühlen, immer dazulernen, mindestens einmal lachen und einmal schwitzen, heim schweben und sich auf die nächste Stunde freuen - das ist Eva-Maria.

    Andrea K. visited Ra Ma YOGA Eva-Maria Bauhaus in November 2019 .

    Overall impression

    Jede Yogastunde eine positive Erfahrung

    Seit fast 2 Jahren mache ich Kundalini Yoga bei Eva-Maria. Es macht viel Freude, da es keinerlei Leistungsdruck gibt. Eva-Maria sorgt immer für eine gute Betreuung und Entspannung. Hat ein Teilnehmer (wie ich) gesundheitliche Bewegungseinschränkungen findet Eva-Maria immer alternative Abwandlungen, die das Ausführen der jeweiligen Übung ermöglichen. In all ihren Gruppen ist stets ein herzlicher Umgang und jeder fühlt sich wohl und angenommen. Von ganzem Herzen empfehle ich Eva-Maria gerne weiter.

    Margret S. visited Ra Ma YOGA Eva-Maria Bauhaus in November 2019 .

    Non-binding inquiry to Ra Ma YOGA Eva-Maria Bauhaus

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    Popular Yoga


    Premium Yoga with the best ratings are primarily displayed here.

    more about Premium

    All information about yoga Ra Ma YOGA Eva-Maria Bauhaus is without guarantee


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    Public questions and answers about Ra Ma YOGA Eva-Maria Bauhaus

    Here you will find general questions and answers about the yoga entry. Ask a question if you have a public, general concern that might also be of interest to other visitors.

    Click here to ask an individual question to the yoga entry .

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