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Gemütlichkeit (Wohlfühlfaktor)
Spiritualität (Räucherstäbchenfaktor)
Anstrengung (Schweißfaktor)
Erdung (Entspannungsfaktor)
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  • Yoga Style:
    Hatha yoga Children's yoga meditation all...
    Hatha yoga
    Children's yoga
    Restorative yoga
    SUP yoga
    Yin yoga
  • Online yoga courses
  • Furnishing:
    locker room Shower Yoga books all...
    locker room
    Yoga books
    Sitting area
  • existing yoga accessories:
    Cover Seat / meditation cushion Chairs all...
    Seat / meditation cushion
    Yoga blocks
    Yoga straps
    Yoga mats
  • Courses for specific target groups:
    Courses for children Courses for pregnant women (prenatal) Courses for seniors all...
    Courses for children
    Courses for pregnant women (prenatal)
    Courses for seniors
    Postnatal courses
    Courses for companies
  • special yoga offers:
    Individual lessons / personal yoga
    Individual lessons / personal yoga
  • reachability:
    very good connection
    very good connection
  • suitable for:
    Beginner Advanced Elderly people all...
    Elderly people
    Fatter people
    Pregnant women
    New mothers
  • Yoga videos

Description yoga

YOGA – bring body, mind & soul into harmony! A path that you can consciously decide on.

I am happy to accompany you carefully and gently. Through the physical approach in the form of yoga exercises (asana practice) and supported on deeper levels by breathing exercises (pranayama) and meditation.

Giving your heart more importance, calming your thoughts - the real goal of yoga - that's what I want to give you in my yoga classes!

Breathe in. Exhale. Smile :-)

Namaste, Michaela


Yoga nearby


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Properties yoga Yoga mit Michaela

  • Yoga Style:
    Hatha yoga
    Children's yoga
    Restorative yoga
    SUP yoga
    Yin yoga
  • Beginners or first-time visitors should keep this in mind: Please contact me if you have any questions.

  • Yoga studio
  • Yoga course
  • Yoga teacher
  • Type of yoga classes:
    Open yoga classes
    Open courses (entry possible at any time)
    Trial lesson possible
    Community Yoga (on a donation basis)
  • suitable for:
    Elderly people
    Fatter people
    Pregnant women
    New mothers
  • Online yoga courses
  • Yoga videos
  • Course language:
  • Average Cost for a single hour: 20 €
  • Discount code
  • Note on the discount code
  • Regular courses
  • Course schedule

  • Courses for specific target groups:
    Courses for children
    Courses for pregnant women (prenatal)
    Courses for seniors
    Postnatal courses
    Courses for companies
  • special yoga offers:
    Individual lessons / personal yoga
  • More offers:
    Retreats/yoga trips

  • Ambiance:
    Small rooms
  • Furnishing:
    locker room
    Yoga books
    Sitting area
  • existing yoga accessories:
    Seat / meditation cushion
    Yoga blocks
    Yoga straps
    Yoga mats
  • reachability:
    very good connection
  • public transportation

  • Experience in teaching:
    > 2000 yoga courses
  • Member of the yoga association

  • Events:

    Zeitraum: 12.04.2025 bis 19.04.2025

    Paleochora, Crete, Greece

    Event type:
    Yoga retreat Yoga vacation
    Yoga retreat
    Yoga vacation
    Yoga style:
    Ashtanga yoga Hatha yoga SUP yoga
    Ashtanga yoga
    Hatha yoga
    SUP yoga
    Vinyasa flow
    Yin yoga
    Yoga Nidra
    Details anzeigen
  • Training offers
  • yoga offerings

Location yoga

Route planner


    The operator of this yoga entry has not provided any directions.


    • not specified
    • Latitude : 47.861180
    • Longitude : 16.387052

    Route planner Contact

    yoga reviews 18


    Overall impression 5,0

    How strong are the following points (no rating)

    Coziness (feel-good factor) 5,0
    Spirituality (incense factor) 3,7
    Effort (sweat factor) 3,7
    Grounding (relaxation factor) 5,0

    yoga Yoga mit Michaela rate now

    5,0 / 5

    15 reviews

    via: Google

    Overall impression

    Wohlfühlen auch als sporadischer Yogi

    Ich komme aufgrund meines Trainingspensums nicht sehr oft zum Yoga! Aber wenn, dann bei Michaela! Es ist nicht nur eine Yoga Stunde. Es ist ein eintauchen in eine eigene Welt (für mich teilweise sehr fordernd) in der man auch immer wieder etwas über seinen Körper lernen darf! Eine Stunde hat bei ihr einen roten Faden, der sich durchzieht und an den man sich halten kann... man merkt, dass sie sich Gedanken zu ihrer Stunde macht. Das es ihre Passion und nicht nur Mittel zum Zweck ist!

    Namaste liebe Michaela 🙏

    Martin S. visited Yoga mit Michaela in März 2020 .

    Overall impression

    Kann ich nur empfehlen!

    Unbedingt ausprobieren! Michaela macht geniales Yoga!

    Alex E. visited Yoga mit Michaela in April 2017 .

    Overall impression

    Unbedingt ausprobieren! Michaela macht geniales Yoga!

    Alex E. visited Yoga mit Michaela in April 2020 .

    Non-binding inquiry to Yoga mit Michaela

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    Popular Yoga


    Premium Yoga with the best ratings are primarily displayed here.

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