yoga style:Ashtanga yogameditationPower yogaSivananda YogaThai yoga massageVinyasa flowYin yogaYoga NidraOther
number of teaching units (UE):200 UE200 UE
duration of training:OtherOther
Content for target groups:no particular focusno particular focus
yoga content:anatomyAsanasAyurvedaBhagavad GitaEnergy systemsFacial theory and meridiansHathapradipikaKirtan (mantras)meditationphysiologyPranayama (breathing exercises)SanskritTantraUpanishadsVinyasa KramaYoga philosophyYoga Sutra (Patanjali)
- Training costs (total): 2900 €
Description Yoga teacher training
Practice-oriented training with a focus on anatomy, philosophy, meditation and asana practice. Learning how to structure a yoga class, instructing meditation, cleaning techniques and adjusting asanas. As well as setting up a yoga studio.
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phone: 0176201... show
Homepage: yogamachtstark.de/yogalehrer-ausbildung-200h-2021-in-leipzig/
Yoga teacher training nearby
PremiumPremium yoga teacher training courses from nearby are primarily displayed here.
Yogalehrer Ausbildung 500h BdfY - Zentrum für Yoga & ganzheitliches Leben Halle/Saale Halle 32.2 km
YOM Yogaschule Münsterland YOM Basic
Experience a unique yoga teacher training in the heart of NRW
Beckum 304.1 km -
Online Trainer Lizenz - Ausbildung zum/r Yogalehrer/in Onlinekurs 135.0 km
YCBA Level I 200h Berlin 153.7 km
YCBA 340h Aufbauausbildung Berlin 153.7 km
Properties Yoga teacher training 200H Yogalehrer Grundausbildung Leipzig
yoga style:
Ashtanga yogameditationPower yogaSivananda YogaThai yoga massageVinyasa flowYin yogaYoga NidraOther
number of teaching units (UE):
200 UE
duration of training:
- Maximum duration of training: 3 Months
- Intensive course
- Our training is structured in...
yoga content:
anatomyAsanasAyurvedaBhagavad GitaEnergy systemsFacial theory and meridiansHathapradipikaKirtan (mantras)meditationphysiologyPranayama (breathing exercises)SanskritTantraUpanishadsVinyasa KramaYoga philosophyYoga Sutra (Patanjali)
Content for lesson planning:
Didactics as a yoga teacherLesson preparationAtmosphere/timing/sequencingTypical errors and correctionsStarting a business and becoming self-employedYoga student's own practice
Content for target groups:
no particular focus
Mediated Yoga Paths:
Bhakti Yoga (Yoga of Devotion)Hatha Yoga (Yoga of the Body)Jnana Yoga (Yoga of Knowledge)Karma Yoga (Yoga of Action)Kundalini Yoga (Yoga of Energies)Raja Yoga (Yoga of Meditation)
- Training costs (total): 2900 €
- Inclusive services
- Exclusive services: Accommodation costs and meals during the intensive weeks
language of training:
- Participants per course: Max. 12
learning and teaching methods:
Lectures/Lectureswork in groupsself reflectionCarrying out teaching samplesObservation with other teachershomework
- Download
- Format of training
- Completion certificate: Certificate from the Chamundie Academy Leipzig
- Recognized by health insurance companies
- Yoga Alliance (AYA) certified
- Educational bonus or educational leave recognized
recognition by professional association:
none mentioned here
existing yoga accessories:
CoverMeditation stoolSeat / meditation cushionChairsYoga blocksYoga strapsYoga mats
Showerlocker roomYoga shopSitting areafree WiFiWC
CozyLarge rooms
- public transportation: 0.1 km away
Single roomMulti-bed roomExternal accommodation
ambience of the accommodation:
- About Us
- How long has this training existed?: since 2019
- Number of yoga students trained to date: 30
Yoga course / yoga studio - profile:
4109 Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
Yoga Style:Ashtanga yoga Hatha yoga Laughter yogaAshtanga yogaHatha yogaLaughter yogameditationPower yogaYin yogaYoga NidraOtheronline yoga classes04109 Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
Yoga Style:Acro yoga Ashtanga yoga Hatha yogaAcro yogaAshtanga yogaHatha yogaChildren's yogaLaughter yogameditationPower yogaRestorative yogaThai yoga massageVinyasa flowYin yogaYoga Nidraonline yoga classes -
Zeitraum: 17.09.2022 bis 24.09.2022
04109 Fetyie, Türkei, Türkiye West, Türkiye
event type:Yoga retreat Yoga vacationYoga retreatYoga vacationyoga style:Ashtanga yoga Hatha yoga Power yogaAshtanga yogaHatha yogaPower yogaRestorative yogaYin yogaYoga NidraZeitraum: 03.09.2022 bis 10.09.2022
04109 Biograd nad Moru, Kroatien, Croatia
event type:Yoga retreat Yoga vacationYoga retreatYoga vacationyoga style:Ashtanga yoga Hatha yoga Power yogaAshtanga yogaHatha yogaPower yogaRestorative yogaYin yogaYoga Nidra - Further education
Location Yoga teacher training
Route plannerDirections
The operator of this Yoga teacher training entry has not provided any directions.
address: Otto-Schill-Str. 10 04109 Leipzig Germany
- phone: 0176201... show
- fax: 034517177640
- To the card
- For directions
- Homepage: yogamachtstark.de/yogalehrer-ausbildung-200h-2021-in-leipzig/
Popular Yogalehrer Ausbildungen
PremiumPremium Yogalehrer Ausbildungen with the best ratings are primarily displayed here.
Yogalehrer Ausbildung 500h BdfY - Zentrum für Yoga & ganzheitliches Leben Halle/Saale Halle 32.2 km
YOM Yogaschule Münsterland YOM Basic
Experience a unique yoga teacher training in the heart of NRW
Beckum 304.1 km -
Yoga Vidya YogalehrerIn Bamberg 190.8 km
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