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  • yoga style:
    meditation Vinyasa flow
    Vinyasa flow
  • number of teaching units (UE):
    200 UE 300 UE 500 UE
    200 UE
    300 UE
    500 UE
  • duration of training:
    12 months 18 months 24 Months
    12 months
    18 months
    24 Months
  • Content for target groups:
    Elderly people Children/young people Regression (postnatal) all...
    Elderly people
    Children/young people
    Regression (postnatal)
    Pregnant women (prenatal)
  • yoga content:
    anatomy Asanas Ayurveda all...
    Bhagavad Gita
    Energy systems
    Facial theory and meridians
    Kirtan (mantras)
    Pranayama (breathing exercises)
    Vinyasa Krama
    Yoga philosophy
    Yoga Sutra (Patanjali)
  • Training costs (total)

Description Yoga teacher training

We are a team of physiotherapists, sports and health scientists as well as educators and lecturers and we love yoga. This means that we are very familiar with the anatomical and physiological processes of the body and can convey this professionally and clearly. What unites us is the heart of our training: yoga. It doesn't matter whether you are interested in the physical aspect of yoga and want to know which muscles are stretched or activated during which exercise and which exercises are used to train core and supporting strength, or whether you are looking for a mental approach to yoga and want to unite your body and mind through breathing and meditation exercises – with us you are in the best hands. We manage to find a holistic connection between the physical and mental levels and to maintain the balance between the fitness-oriented yoga of modern times and the classic, original idea of ​​yoga. For us, the focus is on practice; We devote ourselves in detail to exploring asanas, breathing and meditation techniques as well as various relaxation techniques. The practical experience is rounded off with the theoretical teaching of anatomical and physiological structures and modes of action as well as the didactic structure, planning and implementation of a course lesson. Furthermore, we address the question of what yoga actually is, where it comes from and what it wants to achieve, and we explore together the historical development and the philosophical strands of the various movements. Our highlight is that we convey the content of our yoga teacher training closely linked to the aspects of Ayurveda. For us, both yoga and the sister science Ayurveda are inextricably linked. Our great advantage lies in our many years of experience as well as our extensive training in the areas of Ayurveda, meditation, relaxation education as well as Feldenkrais and Pilates. Together we create a mindful approach and create space for personal development and development. Our training takes place in direct contact in our lovingly furnished yoga center right in the heart of the water town of Brandenburg. Our center is embedded in green nature; Parks and the Havel are within walking distance.
Training description
Basic training
Our basic training (200h) includes the first seven modules. In this we lay the foundation for the development of a teacher who feels confident in the theory and practice of yoga and can therefore teach the first units. We deal both theoretically and practically with the different approaches to yoga and learn how to teach in the dynamic, flowing Hatha yoga style.
The basic training takes place over ten weekends with 20 contact hours each and can be completed part-time. In addition, there is further input that encourages self-study and allows the topic of yoga to be deepened beyond the training content. The basic training is concluded with a sixty-minute teaching test in which the graduate can demonstrate the skills he has learned.
Part of the basic training is our detailed, lovingly designed script, which contains all the important information and content about the training and is intended to serve as a reference work and working tool for us. It is particularly important to us that we convey in-depth specialist knowledge in an understandable and clear manner and that we always interweave theory and practice.
Postgraduate training
In addition to deepening the first seven modules, our advanced training (300 hours) also includes the last three modules. We delve deeper into the history and philosophy of yoga and make more practical references for our personal everyday life. We also expand our anatomical and physiological knowledge and focus more specifically on use with different target groups. We get to know more asanas and how they can be linked and discover even more possibilities and subject areas that make a yoga class an experience. There are also further in-depth exercises on the topics of breathing, relaxation and meditation. When designing lessons, we focus more on the following target groups: children, pregnant women and seniors. We will also undertake excursions to fascia yoga, yin yoga and cyclically-oriented yoga for women. Another highlight is the practical excursion to SUP yoga.
Our main focus in deepening the basic modules is clearly on the development of the teacher's personality. This can be further developed through further exercises and the discussion of didactic methods. We are also increasingly focusing on the topic of personal development and continuing the journey to ourselves. Self-reflection and mindfulness play an important role in dealing with yourself and others. In the advanced training we have the opportunity to establish a variety of connections between the individual modules and thus have a better chance of creating a big overall picture.
Our other main focus in the advanced course is clearly on the area of ​​Ayurveda. We provide a well-founded and practical introduction to the sister science of yoga and show how the theory can be put into practice. Since for us the two are inextricably linked and both together are the key to a happy life, we manage to easily find references to everyday life and can thereby support gradual habituation. The highlight of the Ayurveda module is cooking Ayurvedic menus together.
In the advanced course we will also learn the Sanskrit alphabet and chant mantras together.
The advanced course is rounded off by the module on starting a business, in which we teach everything you need to know about a successful career start. In addition, participants have the opportunity to continue to be supervised by us after the training. Especially in the early days, it can be useful to have someone on hand who can give you feedback or support you if questions arise.
The advanced training takes place over fifteen weekends with 20 contact hours each and can be completed part-time. In addition, there is further input that encourages self-study and allows the topic of yoga to be deepened beyond the training content. The basic training is completed by a written essay and a ninety-minute teaching sample in which the graduate can demonstrate the skills he has learned.
Just like in the basic training, our script is also part of the advanced training. This is supplemented by lots of new content and other materials.
Module descriptions
Module 1 The History of Yoga
In this module we deal with the historical development of yoga. We look at where yoga originated and accompany it on its development up to our modern times. We deal with the historically transmitted writings and get to know both the former and current principles of yoga. We will also immerse ourselves in the world of different yoga styles and learn to orient ourselves and find a path for ourselves.
Focus: the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, Patanjali Yoga Sutra, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Tantra vs. Vedanta, traditional and modern yoga styles
Module 2 The Philosophy of Yoga
In this module we deal with the philosophical view of yoga. We look at the different paths of yoga and devote ourselves in detail to the eight-limbed path to Patanjali. Together we develop contemporary examples that apply millennia-old wisdom to our lives today. We look at the different currents of Hindu culture and get to know the faces of creation. Furthermore, we use our acquired knowledge to put together a yogic worldview, which allows us to develop an overall understanding of yogic culture.
Focus: Patanjali Yoga Sutra, ways of yoga, eight-fold path, Hindu philosophy, creation story, yogic worldview
Module 3 Anatomy
In this module we will learn more about the anatomy and physiology of the human body. We differentiate between the subtle and the gross structure. On the subtle level we deal with the different energy systems and how they affect each other in different ways. We learn something about the physical and psychological characteristics and behavior of people and establish the first points of contact with Ayurveda. On the gross material level we look at our physical body with all of its different organ systems. We show how everything in the body is connected and can be influenced in a positive way through yoga.
Focus (subtle): Mahabhutas, Koshas, ​​Vayus, Nadis, Chakras, Gunas, Doshas
Focus (gross material): passive and active musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, internal organs, immune system, hormonal system, central nervous system, sensory organs
Module 4 lesson design
In this module we learn everything about the topic of a yoga class. Whether it's about planning, preparation, implementation or follow-up, here we learn everything that is necessary for a successful yoga class. We deal with both the organizational aspects - with independent planning and preparation, with the structure and linking of exercises - as well as with the actual implementation of the lesson. We deal with different target groups and look at how you can design and carry out your lessons individually. We also learn what makes a good teacher and work together to develop our own teacher personality.
Focus: Rhetoric, didactics, teacher personality, planning and conducting yoga lessons, target group-oriented planning (children, pregnant women, seniors, fascia yoga, yin yoga, cycle-oriented yoga for women, SUP yoga)
Module 5 Asanas
In this module we will learn about the most important asanas, their classifications and levels of difficulty. We find out how they are structured, how they work and for what purpose they are used. We use the anatomical knowledge we have learned to teach physiologically healthy performance of the asanas. We also get to know the different variations of the asanas and see what background we use to link the individual exercises with each other. We also get to know the corrective measures a teacher takes and find out everything about successful access to the students. In this module we also show the use and use of important aids.
Focus: forward bends, back bends, side bends, twists, stretches/balance, inversions, sun and moon salutations
Module 6 Pranayama
This module is all about the topic of breathing. Not only do we get to know the different phases of breathing, but we can also consciously influence the individual phases. We develop a feeling for chest, flank and abdominal breathing and can direct our breath specifically into the individual areas of our body. In this section we will learn about numerous breathing exercises and can use them specifically. We also learn about our body's closure mechanisms, the so-called bandhas, and how we can use them to control our energy even better.
Focus: breathing exercises, bandhas
Module 7 ways to relax
In this module we learn everything about relaxation. We find out what has a stimulating and inhibiting effect on our organism and how we can influence this. We also learn everything about the final sequence in the yoga class and how to create an optimal Savasana. We immerse ourselves in a variety of relaxation techniques such as autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation, fantasy journeys and body scans. For us, the crowning achievement of relaxation is meditation, which we approach and ultimately acquire from several sides and through different approaches.
Focus: Mudras, Savasana, relaxation methods (PMR, autogenic training, fantasy travel, body scan, palming, affirmations, EFT), meditation
Module 8 Ayurveda
This module is all about the sister science of yoga – Ayurveda. Both traditions are firmly connected and complement each other perfectly. We deepen the existing knowledge about the doshas and now go one step further and find out how you can spend your daily routine and even your life cycles in harmony with nature, depending on your constitutional type. We learn everything about the cleansing techniques and daily routines to keep the body and mind healthy. We also look at everything related to the topic of nutrition - initially theoretically, then also practically in several sequences of Ayurvedic cooking. We place Ayurvedic psychology and physiology in the context of the Western perspective and in this context also look at the development, prevention and treatment of diseases.
Focus: Daily rhythm, life cycles, nutrition, Kriyas/Shatkarma, Agni, Mala, Eastern vs. Western psychology, development of diseases
Module 9 Sanskrit
In this module we will learn about the Sanskrit alphabet. We deal with the most important terms that appear again and again in both yoga and Ayurveda and look at their origin and meaning. We also learn something about grammar and the correct emphasis on individual words. Using the historical yogic writings, we practice translating Sanskrit into German. The core of this module is chanting mantras. Here we learn about many different mantras and how we can optimally incorporate them into our yoga classes.
Focus: Alphabet, Mantras
Module 10 Starting a Business
In this module we learn everything important for a successful career start. We show what different options there are to practice as a yoga teacher and what you need to keep in mind. We deal with which taxes you have to pay and which insurance you need, which associations you can contact and which cooperation partners there are and what successful marketing and advertising can look like.
Focus: advertising, marketing, taxes, insurance, associations, cooperations


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Properties Yoga teacher training Kamala-Yoga - Yogalehrerausbildung Promnitz Akademie

  • yoga style:
    Vinyasa flow

  • number of teaching units (UE):
    200 UE
    300 UE
    500 UE
  • duration of training:
    12 months
    18 months
    24 Months
  • Maximum duration of training: 24 Months
  • Intensive course
  • Our training is structured in...

  • yoga content:
    Bhagavad Gita
    Energy systems
    Facial theory and meridians
    Kirtan (mantras)
    Pranayama (breathing exercises)
    Vinyasa Krama
    Yoga philosophy
    Yoga Sutra (Patanjali)
  • Content for lesson planning:
    Didactics as a yoga teacher
    Lesson preparation
    Typical errors and corrections
    Starting a business and becoming self-employed
    Yoga student's own practice
  • Content for target groups:
    Elderly people
    Children/young people
    Regression (postnatal)
    Pregnant women (prenatal)
  • Mediated Yoga Paths:
    Bhakti Yoga (Yoga of Devotion)
    Hatha Yoga (Yoga of the Body)
    Jnana Yoga (Yoga of Knowledge)
    Karma Yoga (Yoga of Action)
    Kundalini Yoga (Yoga of Energies)
    Raja Yoga (Yoga of Meditation)

  • Training costs (total)
  • Inclusive services
  • Exclusive services
  • language of training:
  • Participants per course: Max. 14
  • learning and teaching methods:
    work in groups
    self reflection
    Carrying out teaching samples
  • Download
  • Format of training

  • Completion certificate
  • Recognized by health insurance companies
  • Yoga Alliance (AYA) certified
  • Educational bonus or educational leave recognized
  • recognition by professional association

  • existing yoga accessories:
    Meditation stool
    Seat / meditation cushion
    Yoga blocks
    Yoga straps
    Yoga mats
  • Furnishing:
    locker room
    Yoga books
    Sitting area
  • Ambiance:
    Large rooms
  • accessibility:
  • public transportation

  • accommodation:
    External accommodation
  • ambience of the accommodation

  • About Us
  • How long has this training existed?
  • Number of yoga students trained to date

  • Yoga course / yoga studio - profile
  • Events
  • Further education

Location Yoga teacher training

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    • not specified
    • Latitude : 52.412167
    • Longitude : 12.546268

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