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  • yoga style:
    Yoga Hormone yoga children's yoga all...
    Hormone yoga
    children's yoga
    Yoga Nidra
  • number of teaching units (UE):
    200 UE
    200 UE
  • duration of training:
    18 months
    18 months
  • Content for target groups:
    Elderly people Fatter people Children/young people all...
    Elderly people
    Fatter people
    Children/young people
    Pregnant women (prenatal)
  • yoga content:
    anatomy Asanas Bhagavad Gita all...
    Bhagavad Gita
    Energy systems
    Pranayama (breathing exercises)
    Vinyasa Krama
    Yoga philosophy
    Yoga Sutra (Patanjali)
  • Training costs (total): 3500 €

Description Yoga teacher training

Our certified yoga teacher training includes, among other things:
- Traditionally oriented, contemporary Hatha yoga lessons
- theoretical and, above all, practical, health-oriented teaching experience
- Scope of teaching tailored to the requirements of the professional associations (YVO and YA).
- The certification is carried out by the Yoga School Carinthia and optionally by the YVO
- (Yoga) psychological support during training
- Life and yoga experiences from many study and pilgrimages to North and South India
- endless hours of personal yoga practice, studying books on yoga and yoga philosophy
- and our many years of life and professional experience


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Properties Yoga teacher training YVO Zertifizierte Yoga-LehrerIn Ausbildung 200+ Stunden

  • yoga style:
    Hormone yoga
    Children's yoga
    Yoga Nidra

  • number of teaching units (UE):
    200 UE
  • duration of training:
    18 months
  • Maximum duration of training: 18 Months
  • Our training is structured in...: During the approximately two-year training course, we teach theory and practice, among other things:
    Lesson design, structure, planning and didactics
    Chakra/energy system, asanas, pranayamas
    Anatomy of the body related to yoga teaching
    Meditation and forms of meditation
    Surya-Namaskar (sun salutation), karanas (exercise sequences)
    Mantras, mudras, bhandas, kriyas (purification techniques)
    Independent management of yoga courses in theory and practice
    Use of aids, alternative yoga exercises
    and much more

  • yoga content:
    Bhagavad Gita
    Energy systems
    Pranayama (breathing exercises)
    Vinyasa Krama
    Yoga philosophy
    Yoga Sutra (Patanjali)
  • Content for lesson planning:
    Didactics as a yoga teacher
    Lesson preparation
    Typical errors and corrections
    Starting a business and becoming self-employed
    Yoga student's own practice
  • Content for target groups:
    Elderly people
    Fatter people
    Children/young people
    Pregnant women (prenatal)
  • Mediated Yoga Paths:
    Bhakti Yoga (Yoga of Devotion)
    Hatha Yoga (Yoga of the Body)
    Jnana Yoga (Yoga of Knowledge)
    Karma Yoga (Yoga of Action)
    Raja Yoga (Yoga of Meditation)

  • Training costs (total): 3500 €
  • Inclusive services: extensive scripts, snacks during breaks, drinks
  • Exclusive services: Examination fee of 250 euros
  • language of training:
  • Participants per course: Max. 8
  • learning and teaching methods:
    work in groups
    self reflection
    Individual lessons
    Carrying out teaching samples
  • Download:
  • Format of training:
    On site

  • Completion certificate: Carinthia Yoga School, optionally YVO
  • Educational bonus or educational leave recognized
  • recognition by professional association:
    YVO (Yoga Association Austria eV)

  • existing yoga accessories:
    Seat / meditation cushion
    Yoga blocks
    Yoga straps
    Yoga mats
  • Furnishing:
    locker room
    Yoga books
    Sitting area
    free WiFi
  • Ambiance:
    Large rooms
  • accessibility:
    good on foot
    good by bus
    good by car
  • public transportation: on site

  • ambience of the accommodation:
    Large rooms
    Small rooms

  • About Us: Yoga and all its aspects have accompanied us for over 20 years and we use the knowledge from it to practice and internalize it more and more in our lives - for an authentic, conscious and liberated existence. This forms, among other things, also the basis of our over 15 years of teaching and teaching yoga, for teaching down-to-earth, practice-oriented and holistic yoga.
  • How long has this training existed?: since 2005
  • Number of yoga students trained to date: 120

Location Yoga teacher training

Route planner


    It's best to use google maps. Parking available depending on time around location. Parking garage in the immediate vicinity.


    • Street: Stauderplatz 8 Yoga-Schule Kärnten Karin Steiger e.U.
    • Postal code: PLZ 9020
    • City: not specified
    • Federal State: Carinthia
    • country: Austria
    • not specified
    • Latitude : 46.623972
    • Longitude : 14.304722

    Route planner Contact

    yoga reviews 1

    Overall impression

    Die Yoga LehrerInnen Ausbildung - Sehr, sehr EMPFEHLENSWERT Empfehlung

    Praxisorientiert, Lehr, - & Erkenntnisreich war für mich die Ausbildung [YTT200 & YTT500] in der Yoga Schule Kärnten bei Karin Steiger.
    Eine Fülle an theoretischen Wissen, sowie Yogaphilosophie, viel Praxis (Asanas, Atemübungen uvm. ) wird Korrekt & Exakt vermittelt.
    Eine Zeit mit interessanten Erfahrungen, Selbstreflektion - eine Zeit wo auch manche Schattenseite zum Vorschein kam, so durfte ich lernen diese anzunehmen wie auch die Sonnenseiten.
    Bin dankbar, dass mich mein Weg vor langer Zeit in die Yoga Schule Kärnten zu Karin St. und Dirk B. geführt hat - grossartige, authentische Menschen/Begleiter - mit Herz & Humor.
    Ein herzliches Namaste Alex

    Alexandra J. visited YVO Zertifizierte Yoga-LehrerIn Ausbildung 200+ Stunden in September 2023 .

    Non-binding inquiry to YVO Zertifizierte Yoga-LehrerIn Ausbildung 200+ Stunden

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