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Gemütlichkeit (Wohlfühlfaktor)
Spiritualität (Räucherstäbchenfaktor)
Anstrengung (Schweißfaktor)
Erdung (Entspannungsfaktor)
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  • existing yoga accessories
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  • Courses for specific target groups
    Courses for specific target groups: not specified
  • special yoga offers
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  • reachability
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    suitable for: not specified
  • Yoga videos

Description yoga

The term “Yogasana” makes it clear that an asana is more than just a physical exercise. Although the physical exercise initially appears to be the focus, the effects are more profound. By practicing with constant, comprehensive attention, the meditative aspect of practice becomes more prominent. In asana, the body becomes a “vehicle” for working with the mind.
Yoga in the tradition of BKS Iyengar:
Main features :
Precise alignment = technology/alignment:
The postures are performed physiologically and anatomically correctly
Individual correction:
The general announcements are supplemented by individual corrections.
Well-thought-out exercise sequence = sequencing:
Depending on the objective (e.g. gradual build-up to a main asana), the asanas are strung together in a specific way.
Use of yoga props = aids (e.g. block, belt, etc.):
The use of aids allows even those with less experience to experience the “essence” of a posture and clarifies certain aspects of a posture.
Length of stay in the asana:
In order to experience the asana “holistically”, you need to spend a certain amount of time in the asana. This depends primarily on the level of practice.
General effects of regular yoga practice:
Maintaining the health of the physical body
Promote emotional stability
Increase in vitality
Increasing the ability to concentrate
The ability to relax increases
The balancing effect of yoga exercises on the autonomic nervous system is of crucial importance. Various studies have now proven the effectiveness of yoga.
Practicing yoga asanas involves assuming a posture with the purpose of calming the mind.


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Properties yoga Asana-Praxis / Yoga in Lübeck

  • Yoga Style
  • Beginners or first-time visitors should keep this in mind

  • Yoga studio
  • Yoga course
  • Yoga teacher
  • Type of yoga classes
  • suitable for
  • Online yoga courses
  • Yoga videos
  • Courses supported by health insurance companies
  • Course language
  • Average Cost for a single hour
  • Discount code
  • Note on the discount code
  • Regular courses
  • Course schedule

  • Courses for specific target groups
  • special yoga offers
  • More offers

  • Ambiance
  • Furnishing
  • existing yoga accessories
  • reachability
  • public transportation

  • Certification
  • Experience in teaching
  • Member of the yoga association

  • Events
  • Training offers
  • yoga offerings

Location yoga

Route planner


    The operator of this yoga entry has not provided any directions.


    • not specified
    • Latitude : 53.864490
    • Longitude : 10.687290

    Route planner Contact

    yoga reviews 55


    Overall impression 4,9

    How strong are the following points (no rating)

    Coziness (feel-good factor) 5,0
    Spirituality (incense factor) 5,0
    Effort (sweat factor) 3,0
    Grounding (relaxation factor) 5,0

    yoga Asana-Praxis / Yoga in Lübeck rate now

    5,0 / 5

    9 reviews

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    4,9 / 5

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    Overall impression

    Eintauchen und abtauchen:)

    Ich habe schon mehrere Kurse bei Dorren besucht und schätze sowohl ihre Erfahrungswerte wie auch ihr Einfühlungsvermögen. Ich merke, dass Dorren bemüht ist, die Tradition der Iyengar-Methode aufrechtzuerhalten und gleichzeitig auf die Bedürfnisse jeden Einzelnen einzugehen. Das Angebot ist sehr vielfältig, so dass man sein eigenes Niveau finden kann. Und die Einrichtung ist so gemütlich, dass ich mich wie in einer warmen Hülle fühle, wo ich ganz gut abschalten kann.

    Anna F. visited Asana-Praxis / Yoga in Lübeck in Januar 2023 .

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