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Coziness (feel-good factor)
Spirituality (incense factor)
Effort (sweat factor)
Grounding (relaxation factor)
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  • Yoga Style:
    Ashtanga yoga Hatha yoga meditation all...
    Ashtanga yoga
    Hatha yoga
    Power yoga
    Vinyasa flow
  • online yoga classes
  • Courses funded by health insurance companies
  • equipment:
    locker room Shower Sitting area all...
    locker room
    Sitting area
  • existing yoga accessories:
    Seat / meditation cushion Yoga mats
    Seat / meditation cushion
    Yoga mats
  • courses for specific target groups:
    Courses for pregnant women (prenatal)
    Courses for pregnant women (prenatal)
  • special yoga offerings:
    Meditation courses Pranayama courses Individual lessons / personal yoga
    Meditation courses
    Pranayama courses
    Individual lessons / personal yoga
  • accessibility:
    very good connection good on foot good by train all...
    very good connection
    good on foot
    good by train
    good by car
  • suitable for:
    Beginner Advanced Children / young people all...
    Children / young people
    Elderly people
    Fatter people
    Pregnant women
    New mothers
    Blind and visually impaired people

Description yoga

Yoga studio with daily classes and training school
We offer daily classes, both in the morning and in the evening, for beginners as well as experienced and advanced Ashtanga Yoga students and teach traditionally according to Pattabhi Jois.
The Ashtanga Yoga Workshop is also the only state-recognized training school for yoga.
We train yoga teachers in accordance with the state-certified curriculum.
In the Ashtanga yoga system, meditation is taught in addition to physical exercises (asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayama).
The teachers of the Ashtanga Yoga workshop are distinguished by their ability to closely observe and correct the participants’ practice. This means that everyone taking part in the class is taught individually.
The system is also ideal for people with physical limitations. Great successes have been achieved so far in treating back, shoulder and knee pain.
Since all teachers are recognized by the health insurance companies, all courses are financially supported by them as part of prevention.


Yoga nearby


Premium yoga classes nearby are primarily displayed here.

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Properties yoga Ashtanga Yogawerkstatt Köln

  • Yoga Style:
    Ashtanga yoga
    Hatha yoga
    Power yoga
    Vinyasa flow
  • Beginners or first-time visitors should keep this in mind: All you need is light sports clothing and you can start with us.
    We'll give you as much water as you like for free and we can lend you a mat to start with. Register either on our homepage or just drop by.
    Be with us around 15 minutes before the start - then we can show you everything before you get started.
    We look forward to seeing you.

  • yoga studio
  • yoga class
  • yoga teacher
  • type of yoga classes:
    Open yoga classes
    Open courses (entry possible at any time)
    Closed courses (no later entry possible)
    Trial lesson possible
  • suitable for:
    Children / young people
    Elderly people
    Fatter people
    Pregnant women
    New mothers
    Blind and visually impaired people
  • online yoga classes
  • Courses funded by health insurance companies
  • course language:
  • Average Cost for a single hour
  • Discount code
  • Note on the discount code
  • Regular courses:
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday public holidays
    closed all day
  • Course schedule

  • courses for specific target groups:
    Courses for pregnant women (prenatal)
  • special yoga offerings:
    Meditation courses
    Pranayama courses
    Individual lessons / personal yoga
  • More offers:
    Yoga teacher training
    Yoga teacher training

  • ambience:
    Large rooms
    Small rooms
  • equipment:
    locker room
    Sitting area
  • existing yoga accessories:
    Seat / meditation cushion
    Yoga mats
  • accessibility:
    very good connection
    good on foot
    good by train
    good by car
  • public transportation: 200 m away

  • certification:
    other certification
  • teaching experience
  • member of the Yoga Association

  • Events
  • Training offers
  • yoga offerings

Location yoga

Route planner


    The operator of this yoga entry has not provided any directions.


    • Latitude : 50.928450
    • Longitude : 6.940850

    Route planner Contact

    yoga reviews 14


    Overall impression 4,9

    How strong are the following points (no rating)

    Coziness (feel-good factor) 5,0
    Spirituality (incense factor) 3,0
    Effort (sweat factor) 5,0
    Grounding (relaxation factor) 5,0

    yoga Ashtanga Yogawerkstatt Köln rate now

    4,6 / 5

    5 reviews

    via: Facebook

    5,0 / 5

    8 reviews

    via: Google

    Overall impression

    Tolle Lehrer, super Studio

    Helle Räume zum wohlfühlen und Ashtanga praktizieren. Die Lehrer sind super und begleiten und leiten mich super durch die Praxis.

    Daniela J. visited Ashtanga Yogawerkstatt Köln in Februar 2020 .

    Non-binding inquiry to Ashtanga Yogawerkstatt Köln

    I have read the data protection declaration .


    opening hours

    opening hours:
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday public holidays
    closed all day

    Popular Yoga


    Premium Yoga with the best ratings are primarily displayed here.

    more about Premium

    All information about yoga Ashtanga Yogawerkstatt Köln is without guarantee


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