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  • Yoga Style:
    Aerial yoga Hatha yoga Hormone yoga all...
    Aerial yoga
    Hatha yoga
    Hormone yoga
    Iyengar yoga
    Power yoga
    Vinyasa flow
    Yin yoga
  • Online yoga courses
  • Furnishing
    Furnishing: not specified
  • existing yoga accessories
    existing yoga accessories: not specified
  • Courses for specific target groups:
    Courses for pregnant women (prenatal) Courses for women only Courses for men only all...
    Courses for pregnant women (prenatal)
    Courses for women only
    Courses for men only
    Postnatal courses
    Courses for companies
  • special yoga offers:
    Nutrition courses Meditation courses
    Nutrition courses
    Meditation courses
  • reachability
    reachability: not specified
  • suitable for
    suitable for: not specified
  • Yoga videos

Description yoga

Pivaka Yoga - Hatha Yoga Ayurvedic inspired - Ayurveda in health advice - Personal/Pregnant Yoga
Behind these three syllables are the terms PITTA (PI), VATA (VA) and KAPHA (KA). Three elements that are also referred to as doshas in Ayurveda. The generic term dosha comes from Sanskrit and describes the different life energies. Translated, dosha means something like “that which can cause problems”. If you like, there is a health theory behind it.
Doshas regulate the mental and physical functions of humans and are created individually within us. Each of us has a very different mix of doshas, ​​which is also known as our constitution. How this constitution, i.e. the mixture of doshas (life energies), is made up depends on various factors. For example, what constitutions our parents had, when exactly we were conceived and many other influences.
The individual norm of a balanced state is already instilled in us and only becomes a “problem that something can cause” when the doshas become imbalanced in relation to the constitution. This potentially disease-causing condition is called “Vikriti” in Sanskrit. The consequences can be poor nutrition, overwork or a number of other bad habits. In the case of one of these diseases, Ayurveda specifically targets the respective dosha in order to restore the individual balance.


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Properties yoga Pivaka Yoga - Svea Christina Schroeder

  • Yoga Style:
    Aerial yoga
    Hatha yoga
    Hormone yoga
    Iyengar yoga
    Power yoga
    Vinyasa flow
    Yin yoga
  • Beginners or first-time visitors should keep this in mind: If possible, please do not eat anything for 2 hours before yoga. Bring comfortable clothing and, if necessary, warm socks. Drinks and all the equipment are available for all courses in the Yogaloft, as are home visits or outdoor courses (such as the beach or park) - on request.

  • Yoga studio
  • Yoga course
  • Yoga teacher
  • Type of yoga classes
  • suitable for
  • Online yoga courses
  • Yoga videos
  • Course language:
  • Average Cost for a single hour: 16 €
  • Discount code: 10€ per trial lesson
  • Note on the discount code
  • Regular courses:
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday public holidays
  • Course schedule

  • Courses for specific target groups:
    Courses for pregnant women (prenatal)
    Courses for women only
    Courses for men only
    Postnatal courses
    Courses for companies
  • special yoga offers:
    Nutrition courses
    Meditation courses
  • More offers:
    Retreats/yoga trips

  • Ambiance
  • Furnishing
  • existing yoga accessories
  • reachability
  • public transportation

  • Certification
  • Experience in teaching
  • Member of the yoga association:
    BDYoga (Professional Association of Yoga Teachers in Germany)

  • Events
  • Training offers
  • yoga offerings

Location yoga

Route planner


    The Wednesday course takes place in the Yogaloft Flensburg. Address: Glücksburger Str. 43 · 24943 Flensburg


    • Wanderup
    • Latitude : 54.797610
    • Longitude : 9.417690

    Route planner Contact

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