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  • Yoga Style:
    Hatha yoga meditation Restorative yoga all...
    Hatha yoga
    Restorative yoga
    Yoga Nidra
  • Online yoga courses
  • Courses supported by health insurance companies
  • Furnishing:
    locker room Sitting area WC
    locker room
    Sitting area
  • existing yoga accessories:
    Cover Meditation stool Seat / meditation cushion all...
    Meditation stool
    Seat / meditation cushion
    Yoga blocks
    Yoga straps
    Yoga mats
  • Courses for specific target groups
    Courses for specific target groups: not specified
  • special yoga offers:
    Meditation courses Pranayama courses Individual lessons / personal yoga
    Meditation courses
    Pranayama courses
    Individual lessons / personal yoga
  • reachability:
    very good connection good on foot good by bus all...
    very good connection
    good on foot
    good by bus
    good by car
  • suitable for:
    Beginner Advanced Elderly people all...
    Elderly people
    Fatter people
    New mothers
  • Yoga videos

Description yoga

About me: Psychosocial counselor, supervisor, coach, Mental Health Coach©, Neurosystemic Coach, MBSR teacher (in training) and Hatha Yoga teacher (YTT500)
My offers are based on this wealth of experience.
As a consultant, supervisor & coach, I support my clients with my systemic interventions on the following topics:
•Stress management, e.g. regulating stress better, stopping thoughts from going in circles, calming down, learning to relax, training your own nervous system...
•Coaching in the work environment, e.g. making decisions, managing conflicts, designing change processes, implementing leadership tasks...etc.
•Getting to know yourself, e.g. self-awareness on a physical, mental and emotional level, feeling yourself (again), breathing deeply and exhaling, self-care, discovering your own resources and abilities, learning to accept unexpected and unwanted life situations, gaining clarity...etc.
As a yoga teacher, I offer Hatha yoga courses in Klagenfurt and online yoga courses. Hatha Yoga is a mindful exercise practice that focuses on the body with the goal of keeping the body healthy and calming the activities of the mind.
As an MBSR teacher (in training) I offer MBSR courses in Klagenfurt. MBSR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction according to Jon Kabat-Zinn) has proven to be an effective stress management training through the practice of mindfulness.
Hatha yoga courses in Klagenfurt and online yoga courses (live streamed):
I teach traditional Hatha Yoga, a mindful practice that focuses on the body. The interaction of body movement, breathing and concentration calms the activities of the mind (thoughts and emotions) to achieve the goal of yoga, "union with the true self".
In the weekly sessions I teach yoga philosophy and a variety of yoga techniques. We practice physical exercises (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayamas), meditations, energy guidance, energy locks (bandhas), mantras, mudras and yoga nidra.
I make my units varied so that you can experience, feel and get to know yourself on a physical, emotional and mental level. The focus of each unit is a (life) topic, e.g. "Recognizing and accepting boundaries". I specifically select yoga techniques that should help you to sustainably integrate this topic into your everyday life.
The yoga exercises are adapted to your physical needs, no matter how (im)flexible you are, so that you can experience the special effects of yoga.
In yoga classes I also offer props such as blankets, straps, cushions, blocks, etc. (these are all available at the Carinthia Yoga School), so everyone can start from wherever they are at the moment.
The yoga class is a combination of traditionally proven and anatomically
health-oriented precise instructions.
At the Carinthia Yoga School, we understand yoga as a holistic method to promote the health of body, mind and soul, and as a path of life and experience for personal development.
I cordially invite you to a free trial lesson so that you can experience the effects of yoga for yourself
You can find the current course schedule on my homepage:


Yoga nearby


Premium yoga classes nearby are primarily displayed here.

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Properties yoga Tanja Gratzer - Hatha Yoga Kurse in Klagenfurt und Online Yogakurse (live gestreamt)

  • Yoga Style:
    Hatha yoga
    Restorative yoga
    Yoga Nidra
  • Beginners or first-time visitors should keep this in mind: The yoga units and courses take place in the Carinthia Yoga School. These rooms support your yoga practice with an atmosphere of peace and relaxation. Everything is available for yoga lessons (yoga mat, meditation cushion, blankets, knee rolls, etc.). The only thing you need to bring for hygiene reasons is a larger (hand) towel for the yoga mat.

  • Yoga studio
  • Yoga course
  • Yoga teacher
  • Type of yoga classes:
    Open courses (entry possible at any time)
    Trial lesson possible
  • suitable for:
    Elderly people
    Fatter people
    New mothers
  • Online yoga courses
  • Yoga videos
  • Courses supported by health insurance companies
  • Course language:
  • Average Cost for a single hour: 18 €
  • Discount code
  • Note on the discount code
  • Regular courses:
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday public holidays
  • Course schedule

  • Courses for specific target groups
  • special yoga offers:
    Meditation courses
    Pranayama courses
    Individual lessons / personal yoga
  • More offers:

  • Ambiance:
    Large rooms
    Small rooms
  • Furnishing:
    locker room
    Sitting area
  • existing yoga accessories:
    Meditation stool
    Seat / meditation cushion
    Yoga blocks
    Yoga straps
    Yoga mats
  • reachability:
    very good connection
    good on foot
    good by bus
    good by car
  • public transportation: 100 m away

  • Certification:
    500 UE YVO
    other certification
  • Experience in teaching:
    > 1000 yoga courses
  • Member of the yoga association:
    YVO (Yoga Association Austria e.V.)

  • Events
  • Training offers
  • yoga offerings

Location yoga

Route planner


    The operator of this yoga entry has not provided any directions.


    • Street: Yoga-Schule Kärnten Stauderplatz 8
    • Postal code: 9020
    • City: Klagenfurt am Wörthersee
    • Federal State: Carinthia
    • country: Austria
    • not specified
    • Latitude : 46.617405
    • Longitude : 14.283020

    Route planner Contact

    yoga reviews 36

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    36 reviews

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    opening hours

    opening hours:
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday public holidays

    Popular Yoga


    Premium Yoga with the best ratings are primarily displayed here.

    more about Premium

    All information about yoga Tanja Gratzer - Hatha Yoga Kurse in Klagenfurt und Online Yogakurse (live gestreamt) is without guarantee


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