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Description yoga

The body is the temple of the soul. Keep him healthy - you can't live without him!
Yoga - holistic development
Westerners are mostly drawn to yoga because they expect relaxation, stress relief, health and a general improved attitude to life.
And so it is indeed - the positive physical and psychological effects of yoga can hardly be praised highly enough.
You begin to perceive your body as well as thoughts and feelings more consciously. The exercises increase blood flow to the organs, stimulate the metabolism and strengthen the immune system. The entire body is strengthened and toned, flexible mobility and a wonderfully youthful body feeling develop. In addition, yoga leads to inner peace and helps with good concentration.
However, yoga in its full meaning means much more. Yoga is one of the oldest words in the world. It comes from Sanskrit, the language of ancient India, and means - to connect.
Yoga therefore stands for UNITY. Unity with the real, the imperishable, the essence.
Yoga is a path to the perfection of our SELF, a path to the realization of our soul.
The five principles
Exercises (asanas)
Positive thinking and meditation
Proper relaxation:
When the body and mind are constantly overworked and stressed, their performance is reduced. Rest and relaxation are the natural way to recharge the body. Tensions in the muscles are released and your whole body comes to rest. You wake up as if you had had a good night's sleep. You are more active, you can maintain your energy, shake off fears and worries.
Correct exercises:
The focus of the ASANAS is on DEEP BREATHING, RELAXED MOVEMENTS and MENTAL CONCENTRATION: yoga positions or asanas systematically affect the entire body. Muscles and ligaments are stretched and strengthened, the spine and joints remain mobile, and circulation is stimulated. Asanas strengthen the nervous system, promote blood circulation and relieve tension. If done slowly and not forcefully, they not only strengthen the physical body, but also promote mental and spiritual abilities.
Correct breathing:
Great emphasis is placed on full and rhythmic breathing, which fills the entire lung, not just part, with air and thus increases the uptake of oxygen. Deep breathing helps cleanse and nourish the physical body. Breathing also helps connect the body with its battery, the solar plexus, where an incredible amount of potential energy is stored. If you harness it through special yoga breathing exercises, this life energy, the PRANA, is released for mental and physical rejuvenation. Yoga breathing exercises or pranayama teach to recharge the body and control the mind by regulating the flow of prana. Prana is the life force.
Right nutrition:
Is composed of natural foods that are nutritious and balanced. It keeps the body loose and supple, calms the mind and provides sufficient resistance to illness.
Positive thinking and meditation:
Meditation helps to get rid of negative thoughts, to calm the mind and ultimately to transcend all thoughts.
The special thing about the postures of yoga: The focus is on the effort to harmoniously connect the BODY, BREATH and MIND when practicing. Yoga firmly believes that we are responsible for our own health. No matter how complex our body's system may be, we can influence it with yoga.
Discover yourself - your unique potential - your individuality - yoga is a way to have a new relationship with yourself.


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Properties yoga Yogaschule Steyr - Verena Halbartschlager

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  • Member of the yoga association

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Location yoga

Route planner


    The operator of this yoga entry has not provided any directions.


    • Street: Schönauerstraße 7 (Palais Werndl)
    • Postal code: 4400
    • City: Steyr Stadt
    • Federal State: Upper Austria
    • country: Austria
    • not specified
    • Latitude : 48.043590
    • Longitude : 14.403410

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