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  • Eventart:
  • Yogastil:
    Hatha Yoga Yoga Nidra
    Hatha Yoga
    Yoga Nidra
  • Yoga Elemente:
    Mantra singen Meditation Pranayama
    Mantra singen
  • geeignet für:
    alle Menschen
    alle Menschen


Beschreibung Yoga Event

Join us for a five-day Urban Retreat in Vienna from July 19-23, dedicated to helping you find deep relaxation and inner stillness. Our retreat offers a supportive environment where you can relax, recharge, and explore the beauty of Vienna.


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Eigenschaften Yoga Event Yoga Retreat – Urban Strength & Stillness (Wien)

  • Eventart:
  • Anzahl Teilnehmende: 12 Menschen
  • Preis: 690 Euro
  • Informationen

  • Yogastil:
    Hatha Yoga
    Yoga Nidra
  • Yoga Elemente:
    Mantra singen

  • geeignet für:
    alle Menschen
  • gesprochene Sprache(n):

  • Räumlichkeiten:
  • vorhandenes Yogazubehör:
    Sitz- / Meditationskissen
  • Ausstattung:
    kostenloses WLAN
  • Erreichbarkeit:
    gut zu Fuß
    gut mit dem Bus
    gut mit der Bahn
    gut mit dem Auto
  • öffentliche Verkehrsmittel: 0.5 km entfernt

  • Unterbringung:
    externe Unterkunft
  • Ambiente der Unterkunft:

  • Über Uns: Emily Kuser

    Meet Emily Kuser, the founder of High Vibe Yoga. Since 2010, High Vibe Yoga has been empowering students worldwide, with over 600 graduates across 40 countries. Emily is a passionate and innovative educator, holding certification for both E-RYT 500 and RYS 500. Throughout her journey, Emily has had the privilege of teaching and certifying students in various styles and modalities of yoga, including Hatha, Yoga Nidra, Anusara, Yin, Embodied Flow, Vinyasa, and Yoga Therapy. Her diverse background and extensive experience allow her to offer a well-rounded and comprehensive approach to yoga. With a gift for creating warm and welcoming learning spaces, Emily’s courses in Hatha & Nidra, Women’s SelfCare, and topics like Sex, Death & Wealth offer transformative experiences. Her teachings have been deeply influenced by renowned mentors such as Sally Kempton, Andrea Boni, Tara Judelle, and Kamini Desai. Based in Bali for 16 years, Emily’s teachings have a global reach. Join her and experience inspiration and upliftment as you embark on a journey of self-discovery with High Vibe Yoga. Get ready to explore new dimensions of yoga practice and unlock the power within you.

    Hubert Muehlbacher

    Hubert Muehlbacher is a skilled and experienced spiritual practitioner with a passion for complementary medicine, yoga, and ancient knowledge. After studying architecture in Vienna, he discovered his spiritual calling and pursued his studies in complementary medicine, becoming a certified yoga teacher and Reiki master. He then embarked on a journey to South America to live with shamans and explore different teachings from around the world. Hubert believes that letting go is the key to finding balance and happiness in life. He uses various spiritual practices and tools to help his clients release blockages and connect with their true selves. He offers Inversion Therapy for individual sessions, a therapy that allows for deep relaxation and letting go. In group sessions, he facilitates forgiveness workshops using Hawaiian Ho’oponopono and Indian Pratikraman practices. In addition, Hubert incorporates singing into his workshops as a powerful tool for self-expression and acceptance. He is a Vipassana student and continues to deepen his spiritual practice to better serve his clients. One of his main intentions is to share tools that can help us “wake-up” in day-to-day life.

  • Yogakurs / Yogastudio - Profil
  • Ausbildungs-Angebote

Lage Yoga Event



    The Yoga Shala adress is Pokornygasse 23 (Side entrance, Munay Room), 1190 Vienna. It is in walking distance from the subway station Spittelau (U6,U4) but you can also go one station with either 37 train, or the D train (stairs up the hill). All of Vienna is a big parking zona now where you need to get tickets, there is lots of parkings spaces arround the Shala and a few parking houses nearby (approx 8 euro/day). You can also find carsharing in this Area.


    • Straße: Pokornygasse 23 (Seiteneingang, Munay Raum)
    • Postleitzahl: 1190
    • Stadt: Wien
    • Bundesland: Wien
    • Land: Österreich
    • keine Angabe
    • Breitengrad : 48.240924
    • Längengrad : 16.358688

    Routenplaner Kontakt

    Yoga Bewertungen 2

    5,0 / 5

    2 Bewertungen

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