Event type:Yoga festival Yoga fairYoga festivalYoga fair
Yoga styleYoga style: not specified
Yoga elementsYoga elements: not specified
suitable forsuitable for: not specified
Description Yoga event
The highlight of the Lebensfreude fairs in the Brügmanngarten Travemünde: open air and right by the sea! The Lebensfreude fairs focus on spirituality, alternative health and sustainability and offer a diverse program with lectures and workshops for body, mind and soul.
Send non-binding inquiryphone: +49 450... show
Homepage: informationen.lebensfreudemessen.de/messen/1935165862
Yoga events nearby
PremiumPremium yoga events from nearby are primarily shown here.
Outdoor-Yoga Trainer Woche (als Bildungsurlaub) 5 Tage an der Ostsee Lübeck 0.5 km
Lebensfreude Messe Lübeck Lübeck 16.3 km
Chakra Yoga & Meditation - Eine bewusstseinserweiternde Reise durch die sieben Zentren der Lebensenergie Bobitz 35.6 km
HORMONYOGA WORKSHOP Yoga für die Hormon-Balance Rosengarten 87.3 km
Yoga Retreat der Elemente Neu Drefahl 100.8 km
Properties Yoga event 11. Lebensfreude Festival Travemünde
Event type:
Yoga festivalYoga fair
- Number of participants
- Price
- free yoga event
- information
- Yoga style
- Yoga elements
- suitable for
- spoken languages)
- Premises
- existing yoga accessories
- Furnishing
- reachability
- public transportation
- Accommodation
- Ambience of the accommodation
- About Us
- Yoga course / yoga studio - profile
- Training offers
- Link to Facebook
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- Link to Pinterest
- Link to Twitter
- Link to YouTube
Location Yoga event
Route plannerDirections
The operator of this Yoga event entry has not provided any directions.
- Street: Am Brügmanngarten 1
- Postal code: 23570
- City: Lübeck-Travemünde
- Federal State: Schleswig-Holstein
- country: Germany
- not specified
- Latitude : 53.963226
- Longitude : 10.881059
address: Am Brügmanngarten 1 23570 Lübeck-Travemünde Germany
- phone: +49 450... show
- fax: not specified
- To the card
- For directions
- Homepage: informationen.lebensfreudemessen.de/messen/1935165862
Popular Yoga Events
PremiumPremium Yoga Events with the best ratings are primarily displayed here.
Outdoor-Yoga Trainer Woche (als Bildungsurlaub) 5 Tage an der Ostsee Lübeck 0.5 km
Lebensfreude Messe Lübeck Lübeck 16.3 km
Chakra Yoga & Meditation - Eine bewusstseinserweiternde Reise durch die sieben Zentren der Lebensenergie Bobitz 35.6 km
Kundalini Yoga Workshop - Die Energiezentren I - III Honigsee 54.2 km
Kundalini Yoga Workshop - Psoas, unser Seelenmuskel Honigsee 54.2 km
All information about Yoga event 11. Lebensfreude Festival Travemünde is without guarantee
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Public questions and answers about 11. Lebensfreude Festival Travemünde
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