Ayur-Yogatherapie für lockere, gesunde Schultern mit Julia Backhaus
event type:Different eventDifferent event
yoga style:OtherOther
yoga elements:Asanas meditation PranayamaAsanasmeditationPranayama
suitable for:all peopleAdvanced yogisAdultWomenMenSingles
10:30 - 13:00
Venue: Gym Pro Body Louis-Peter-Str. 4 34497 Korbach Price: 37 EUR
Description Yoga event
In this yoga workshop I teach beneficial yoga and breathing exercises for the shoulder and neck area from Ayur yoga therapy.
This sensitive area of the body is often tense due to long periods of sitting and/or a stressful lifestyle. It is not uncommon for persistent pain to develop over time, which requires targeted exercises to initiate healing processes.
This morning Julia will guide you through therapeutic yoga sequences for your shoulders and neck, be aware of your posture and feel what is good for you and which areas of your body need more muscles or flexibility. You will learn what complaints your students can bring with them, how to deal with them and what you can give them. Breathing exercises, meditation, anatomy lessons and relaxation round off the workshop. (You can find more information about Ayur yoga therapy in the description below).
The therapeutic Ayur yoga sequences are ideal for enjoying healthy and relaxed shoulders in the long term. You're sure to take some exercises home with you every day!
I look forward to you,
Your Julia Backhaus
What is Ayur yoga therapy?
Ayur yoga therapy is based on the basic principles of the yoga tradition of Sri T. Krishnamacharya and his student A.G. Mohan, as well as principles of Ayurveda and the latest anatomical and spiral dynamic findings, as well as the Yoga Nadi muscle therapy NMT developed by Remo Rittiner. Ayur yoga therapy combines the traditional experiential sciences such as yoga, pranayama, meditation, mantra and Ayurveda with the modern science of functional anatomy, Nadi muscle therapy NMT and Spiral Dynamics®.
Ayur yoga therapy is based on a holistic view of the human being and recognizes the interaction of body, breath, mind, diet and lifestyle and their impact on our state of health. The focus is on people and their resources. The aim of Ayur yoga therapy is to find out which circumstances, behaviors and habits have thrown the state of health out of balance.
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Properties Yoga event Ayur-Yogatherapie für lockere, gesunde Schultern mit Julia Backhaus
event type:
Different event
- Number of participants: 16 People
- Price: 37 Euro
- information
yoga style:
yoga elements:
suitable for:
all peopleAdvanced yogisAdultWomenMenSingles
spoken language(s):
Yoga studio
existing yoga accessories:
CoverYoga blocksYoga strapsYoga mats
Showerlocker roomfree WiFi
- accessibility
- public transportation
- Accommodation
- ambience of the accommodation
About Us:
About Julia Backhaus
Yoga teacher (BYV) since 2006
Relaxation teacher (BTB)
Shiatsu masseuse (BYV)
Thai yoga masseuse (Tobias Frank)
Ayur yoga therapist (Remo Rittiner & Christoph Kraft)
Julia has been living and teaching yoga full-time with a lot of love and enthusiasm for 18 years. She gives workshops and further training for yoga teachers throughout Germany and organizes yoga trips to southern Europe and the North Sea several times a year. In her practice in Korbach, she offers individual (online) yoga therapy lessons for physical complaints as well as Shiatsu and Thai yoga massages. Every Monday she teaches online yoga via Zoom on various topics. Thanks to her many years of experience in the areas of yoga (therapy) and relaxation, she has a very varied program for your shoulder and neck area this Sunday morning. She responds individually to your wishes and complaints; Yoga beginners are also welcome!
More about Julia and her offers on her website www.juliasyogawelt.de
- Yoga course / yoga studio - profile
- Training offers
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Location Yoga event
Route plannerDirections
The operator of this Yoga event entry has not provided any directions.
address: Louis-Peter-Str. 4 49 34497 Korbach Germany
- phone: 0176348... show
- fax: not specified
- To the card
- For directions
- Homepage: www.juliasyogawelt.de
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