Sunday Morning Yin Yoga
event type:Yoga retreat Different eventYoga retreatDifferent event
yoga style:Yin yogaYin yoga
yoga elements:Asanas meditationAsanasmeditation
suitable for:Beginneryoung adultsAdultolder peopleWomenMenfatter peopleSingles
Description Yoga event
Straight from bed to the mat on Sunday morning?! Oh yeah! Especially in the morning, when your body still feels a bit stiff and perhaps lacks the necessary momentum, Yin Yoga is a pleasant practice to start your day. With the help of gravity and in harmony with our breathing, we melt into the Yin postures, in which we remain for several minutes. This allows us to reach deeper layers such as our fascia tissue, especially in the morning when the body is still cold. We will conclude the lesson with a more active sequence.
10 euros | Can be booked at
Yoga events nearby
PremiumPremium yoga events from nearby are primarily shown here.
BDYoga-Kongress "Yoga bewegt - Mit Yoga bewegen" Hohenroda 54.4 km
BDY-Kongress "Yoga und soziale Verantwortung" Hohenroda 54.4 km
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Properties Yoga event Sunday Morning Yin Yoga
event type:
Yoga retreatDifferent event
- Number of participants: 8 People
- Price: 10 Euro
- free yoga event
- information
yoga style:
Yin yoga
yoga elements:
suitable for:
Beginneryoung adultsAdultolder peopleWomenMenfatter peopleSingles
spoken language(s):
- premises
- existing yoga accessories
Not at the moment
- accessibility
- public transportation
- Accommodation
- ambience of the accommodation
- About Us: My name is Ricarda and I work part-time as a relaxation teacher, anti-stress coach and Yin Yoga teacher.
Yoga course / yoga studio - profile:
71334 Waiblingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Yoga Style:meditation Yin yoga OthermeditationYin yogaOtheronline yoga classes - Training offers
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- Link to YouTube
Location Yoga event
Route plannerDirections
The operator of this Yoga event entry has not provided any directions.
- Street: Online |
- Postal code: not specified
- City: not specified
- Federal State: Baden-Württemberg
- country: Germany
- not specified
- Stuttgart,
- Rems-Murr-Kreis
- Latitude : 51.165691
- Longitude : 10.451526
address: Online | via Google Meet | Ein Gastzugang kann zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Germany
- phone: not specified
- fax: not specified
- To the card
- For directions
- Homepage:
Popular Yoga Events
PremiumPremium Yoga Events with the best ratings are primarily displayed here.
BDYoga-Kongress "Yoga bewegt - Mit Yoga bewegen" Hohenroda 54.4 km
BDY-Kongress "Yoga und soziale Verantwortung" Hohenroda 54.4 km
Yoga für Artenvielfalt im Kreis Höxter Beverungen 95.4 km
All information about Yoga event Sunday Morning Yin Yoga is without guarantee
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