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  • Yoga style:
    Yoga meditation Sivananda Yoga all...
    Sivananda Yoga
    Yin yoga
    Yoga Nidra
  • Number of teaching units (UE):
    300 UE
    300 UE
  • Duration of training:
    18 months
    18 months
  • Content for target groups:
    no particular focus
    no particular focus
  • Yoga content:
    anatomy Asanas Ayurveda all...
    Bhagavad Gita
    Energy systems
    Kirtan (mantras)
    Pranayama (breathing exercises)
    Vinyasa Krama
    Yoga philosophy
    Yoga Sutra (Patanjali)
  • Training costs (total)

Description Yoga teacher training

This Level II yoga teacher training allows you to further expand your background and experience and acquire a broad foundation for teaching. You will learn the basics of Ayurveda, Ayuryoga and yoga therapy. You will learn to recognize the different demands and needs of your yoga students and to guide them in their individual yoga practice in a more targeted and health-oriented way. You will find a space that offers you a comprehensive and personal examination of your constitution, your core being and your yoga practice; a space that allows an in-depth insight into the roots and methods of yoga and Ayurveda and mindfully supports you on your path to finding yourself.
This course is led by Esther Buser (Ayurveda), Catherine Senn (Yoga & Ayuryoga) as well as by the experienced lecturers for yoga and yoga therapy (Hridaya Hervé Loosli) and Ayurveda & nutrition (Judith Ender).
Ongoing: Theory in depth & practice: Asanas, Pranayama, Mantras, Mudras, Meditation, Savasana
Module 1: Introduction and Ayurveda: Basics
Module 2: Ayurveda: Doshas / Constitution / Ritucarya
Module 3. Ayuryoga: Yoga for the Doshas
Module 4: Ayuryoga / The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Module 5: Deepening subtle anatomy / Mudras
Module 6: 40-day guided sadhana
Module 7: Ayurveda: Agni, nutrition with Judith Ender & diagnostic procedures
Module 8: Yoga Therapy / Bhagavad Gita with Hridaya Hervé Loosli
Module 9: Yoga Therapy / Bhagavad Gita with Hridaya Hervé Loosli
Module 10: Yoga Therapy / Bhagavad Gita with Hridaya Hervé Loosli
Module 11: Philosophy project on the Bhagavad Gita or Patanjali of your choice
Module 12: Practice Retreat
Module 13: Case Study
Module 14: Exchange of projects, excursion into manual therapy, graduation ceremony


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Properties Yoga teacher training Ayuryoga 300h Lehrerausbildung Stufe II

  • Yoga style:
    Sivananda Yoga
    Yin yoga
    Yoga Nidra

  • Number of teaching units (UE):
    300 UE
  • Duration of training:
    18 months
  • Maximum duration of training: 18 Months
  • Intensive course
  • Our training is structured in...: 9 modules on site
    1 intensive week 7 days
    1 practical retreat 4 days
    3 modules at home

  • Yoga content:
    Bhagavad Gita
    Energy systems
    Kirtan (mantras)
    Pranayama (breathing exercises)
    Vinyasa Krama
    Yoga philosophy
    Yoga Sutra (Patanjali)
  • Content for lesson planning:
    Didactics as a yoga teacher
    Lesson preparation
    Typical errors and corrections
    Yoga student's own practice
  • Content for target groups:
    no particular focus
  • Mediated yoga paths:
    Bhakti Yoga (Yoga of Devotion)
    Hatha Yoga (Yoga of the Body)
    Jnana Yoga (Yoga of Knowledge)
    Karma Yoga (Yoga of Action)
    Kundalini Yoga (Yoga of Energies)
    Raja Yoga (Yoga of Meditation)

  • Training costs (total)
  • Inclusive services
  • Exclusive services: Food & accommodation on the retreat days in Gais
  • language of training:
  • Participants per course: Max. 10
  • Learning and teaching forms:
    work in groups
    self reflection
    Carrying out teaching samples
  • Download
  • Format of training:
    On site

  • Completion certificate: Ayuryoga 300h Yoga Teacher Training Level II
  • Recognized by health insurance companies
  • Yoga Alliance (AYA) certified
  • Educational bonus or educational leave recognized
  • Recognition by professional association

  • existing yoga accessories:
    Seat / meditation cushion
    Yoga blocks
    Yoga straps
    Yoga mats
  • Furnishing:
    locker room
    Yoga books
    Sitting area
    free WiFi
  • Ambiance:
    Small rooms
  • reachability:
    good on foot
    good by train
    good by car
  • public transportation: 0.2 km away

  • Accommodation:
    External accommodation
  • Ambience of the accommodation

  • About Us: Just as yoga and Ayurveda have their roots in the ancient Indian scriptures, the Vedas, we, Esther & Catherine, founders of The Spirit of the Vedas, have common roots. We grew up in the same village, splashed in the same stream, roamed the forests and today we love to grow together, work together and explore the wisdom of the Vedas.
    It is an honor for us to be able to work with and learn from various inspiring and extremely competent people.
    Esther Buser:
    I am passionate about making Ayurveda easily accessible to everyone who is interested. I am also an avowed fan of small steps. The workshop series “My life in balance with Ayurveda & Yoga” fulfills an important goal for Catherine and me. Everyone of any age, knowledge or fitness level is invited to take their first or next steps with Ayurveda and yoga. This should be done step by step within the scope of one’s own possibilities. We offer a varied range. All participants are invited to pick out what suits them, their life situation and their needs.I am trained as an Ayurvedic massage practitioner, in Ayurvedic psychological therapy and as a chakra therapist. I have been working independently in my own practice in Brugg AG since 2015. During this time I continued to educate myself in Ayurveda:
    Pregnancy massage
    Baby massage
    Fertility massage
    Ayurvedic gynecology
    Realignment of spine & pelvis
    IHM - Indian Head Massage
    Ayurvedic diagnostic procedures: Nails / Tongue
    Marma therapy
    and more
    Catherine Senn:
    Yoga is for everyone - of all ages! Yoga leads you to yourself, just as you are. Because just as you are, you are right. It is important to me that we learn to accept and love ourselves through yoga and discover the true magical powers within our bodies. I am particularly pleased that Esther and I can explore this in more depth in our workshop series. You are invited to discover simple tricks from Yoga & Ayurveda with us so that you can incorporate some of them into your everyday life. Because Yoga & Ayurveda work :-)
    I completed my two-year basic yoga teacher training in Hatha Yoga according to Swami Sivananda at Yoga Vidya in Zurich. I then further expanded my knowledge and yoga practice with another two-year yoga teacher training in Kundalini Yoga at the Imagine Academy. I am a member of the Swiss Yoga Teachers Association and teach yoga in my own yoga school, Yoga Mahameru, in Aarau and trained yoga teachers at the Yoga Bliss Academy Switzerland. I have continued my education in these areas over the last ten years:
    Ayurveda Basic Therapist
    Upanishads - The 7 Wisdoms of India
    Ayurvedic Yoga
    Marma Yoga
    Marma therapy
    Hormone yoga
    Chakras - Subtle Anatomy
    Introduction to yoga therapy
    Basics of Ayurveda & Ayuryoga
    Yoga & Anatomy
    Back yoga
    Pregnancy and postnatal yoga
    Yoga according to Buddha's Sattipathana Sutta
    Lu Jong - Tibetan Healing Yoga
    And more
  • How long has this training existed?: since 2024
  • Number of yoga students trained to date

  • Yoga course / yoga studio - profile
  • Events
  • Further education

Location Yoga teacher training

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    5 minutes from the train station


    • not specified
    • Aargau
    • Latitude : 47.394268
    • Longitude : 8.049388

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