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Coziness (feel-good factor)
Spirituality (incense factor)
Effort (sweat factor)
Grounding (relaxation factor)
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  • Yoga Style:
    Hatha Yoga Meditation Restoratives Yoga all...
    Hatha Yoga
    Restoratives Yoga
    Thai Yoga Massage
    Vinyasa Flow
    Yin Yoga
  • Courses funded by health insurance companies
  • equipment:
    Umkleide Sitzecke WC
  • existing yoga accessories:
    Decken Meditationshocker Sitz- / Meditationskissen all...
    Sitz- / Meditationskissen
  • courses for specific target groups:
    Kurse für Unternehmen Momentan keine speziellen Angebote
    Kurse für Unternehmen
    Momentan keine speziellen Angebote
  • special yoga offerings:
    Mantrasingen (Kirtan) Einzelstunden / Personal Yoga
    Mantrasingen (Kirtan)
    Einzelstunden / Personal Yoga
  • accessibility:
    sehr gute Anbindung gute Anbindung gut mit dem Bus all...
    sehr gute Anbindung
    gute Anbindung
    gut mit dem Bus
    gut mit dem Auto
  • suitable for:
    Anfänger Fortgeschrittene Dickere Menschen all...
    Dickere Menschen
    Blinde- und Sehbehinderte
  • yoga videos

Description yoga

Would you like to integrate more relaxation, peace and serenity into your life?
Then I'm happy to support you.

Meditation, calm and dynamic asanas/exercises want to give you more relaxation and body awareness and make you happier and more balanced.

You can join at any time.
Classes take place 3 times a week
Yoga Studio Breathe a sigh of relief
Westfalenweg 207
42111 Wuppertal

As well as once a week in the “Wirstimme” room
Virchowstr 2 in Wuppertal Barmen

Feel free to register by phone or email.

I look forward to you


Properties yoga Alexandra Rigano WandelbARigano

  • Yoga Style:
    Hatha yoga
    Restorative yoga
    Thai yoga massage
    Vinyasa flow
    Yin yoga
  • Beginners or first-time visitors should keep this in mind: Please register in advance by phone or email.
    Please dress comfortably and bring thick socks and a towel.
    Please do not eat any heavy meals at least 1.5 hours before class.
    Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the course starts.
    Please bring your own mat to class

  • yoga studio
  • yoga class
  • yoga teacher
  • type of yoga classes:
    Open yoga classes
    Open courses (entry possible at any time)
    Trial lesson possible
    Community Yoga (on a donation basis)
  • suitable for:
    Fatter people
    Blind and visually impaired people
  • yoga videos
  • Courses funded by health insurance companies
  • course language:
  • Average Cost for a single hour: 17 €
  • Discount code
  • Note on the discount code
  • Regular courses:
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday public holidays
  • Course schedule

  • courses for specific target groups:
    Courses for companies
    No special offers at the moment
  • special yoga offerings:
    Mantra chanting (Kirtan)
    Individual lessons / personal yoga
  • More offers:
    Retreats/yoga trips

  • ambience:
    Large rooms
    Small rooms
  • equipment:
    locker room
    Sitting area
  • existing yoga accessories:
    Meditation stool
    Seat / meditation cushion
    Yoga blocks
    Yoga straps
    Yoga mats
  • accessibility:
    very good connection
    good connection
    good by bus
    good by car
  • public transportation

  • certification:
    200 UE Yoga Alliance (AYA)
    other certification
  • teaching experience:
    > 750 yoga courses
  • member of the Yoga Association

  • Events
  • Training offers
  • yoga offerings

Location yoga

Route planner


    The operator of this yoga entry has not provided any directions.


    • Latitude : 51.284299
    • Longitude : 7.148787

    Route planner Contact

    yoga reviews 14


    Overall impression 5,0

    How strong are the following points (no rating)

    Coziness (feel-good factor) 5,0
    Spirituality (incense factor) 5,0
    Effort (sweat factor) 5,0
    Grounding (relaxation factor) 5,0

    yoga Alexandra Rigano WandelbARigano rate now

    5,0 / 5

    10 reviews

    via: Facebook

    5,0 / 5

    3 reviews

    via: Google

    Overall impression

    Große Empfehlung für alle :)

    Alex geht individuell auf jeden ihrer Teilnehmer ein. Es ist jeder Willkommen, egal ob Anfänger oder Fortgeschrittener. Die Übungen sind manchmal anstrengend, aber auch sehr entspannt und vor allem entspannend zugleich. Die perfekte Mischung. Das Schönste: Sie geht mit Spaß und Gelassenheit an die Sacher heran und bringt einem bei, auf seinen Körper zu hören und ihn zu deuten. Ich bin seit 2 Jahren dabei - und das sehr gerne! Ich habe auch schon 2 Freunde in den Kurs mitgenommen, sie sind seit über einem halben Jahr sehr begeistert :)

    Anja M. visited Alexandra Rigano WandelbARigano in März 2021 .

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