Yoga Style:Anusara Yoga Hatha yoga meditationAnusara YogaHatha yogameditation
- Online yoga courses
- Courses supported by health insurance companies
Furnishing:locker room Shower WClocker roomShowerWC
existing yoga accessories:Yoga blocks Yoga straps Yoga matsYoga blocksYoga strapsYoga mats
Courses for specific target groups:Courses for companiesCourses for companies
special yoga offers:Meditation courses Pranayama courses Individual lessons / personal yogaMeditation coursesPranayama coursesIndividual lessons / personal yoga
reachability:very good connectiongood on footgood by busgood by train
suitable for:BeginnerAdvancedElderly peopleFatter peoplePregnant womenBlind and visually impaired people
- Yoga videos
Description yoga
For a strong body and a calm mind
Nice that you're here!
I offer yoga courses for beginners to advanced in Ober St. Veit.
What can you expect in my lessons?
My classes combine gentle mobilization, strengthening and relaxation. I pay particular attention to a good, stable alignment of the individual positions so that you can feel your strength and the effect of the exercises.
It is very important to me that you feel comfortable in my classes. In yoga, you don't have to achieve anything, nor do you have to be particularly flexible or stretchy. This will come naturally over time. It is not about what an asana (physical exercise) looks like, but about how it feels for YOU. Each exercise can be modified and adapted. Don't pay attention to what the person next to you is doing on the mat, but try to concentrate on yourself.
You can practice this in my classes. It's not that easy, but you'll see: it brings great satisfaction.
Relax, strengthen your body and mind, and recharge your batteries for everyday life. Feel good all around!
If you have any questions, please send me an email to kathrin@yoga-oberstveit.at.
I'm looking forward to you!
Yoga nearby
PremiumPremium yoga classes nearby are primarily displayed here.
Gesund Bewegt Wien 3.7 km
Yogazentrum Pureyoga Wien - Yoga Vienna Wien 2.5 km
Meraner Care Wien 4.5 km
Upward Flamingo Yoga | Funktionelles Yogatraining für Führungskräfte Wien 1.1 km
La Luna Healing Soul Yoga Wien 5.6 km
yoga-salon.at Wien 4.7 km
Properties yoga Yoga in Ober St. Veit
Yoga Style:
Anusara YogaHatha yogameditation
- Beginners or first-time visitors should keep this in mind: Come along to a trial lesson. You can borrow a yoga mat from me, and there are also yoga blocks and straps on site. You can find out which unit suits you best, how to register for a trial lesson and directions to the course locations here: https://yoga-oberstveit.at/stundenplan/
- Yoga course
- Yoga teacher
Type of yoga classes:
Open courses (entry possible at any time)Trial lesson possible
suitable for:
BeginnerAdvancedElderly peopleFatter peoplePregnant womenBlind and visually impaired people
- Online yoga courses
- Yoga videos
- Courses supported by health insurance companies
Course language:
- Average Cost for a single hour: 16 €
- Discount code: findedeinyoga
- Note on the discount code
- Regular courses
- Course schedule
Courses for specific target groups:
Courses for companies
special yoga offers:
Meditation coursesPranayama coursesIndividual lessons / personal yoga
More offers:
Retreats/yoga trips
CozyLarge rooms
locker roomShowerWC
existing yoga accessories:
Yoga blocksYoga strapsYoga mats
- public transportation: 50 m away
500 UE Yoga Alliance (AYA)
Experience in teaching:
> 100 yoga classes
- Member of the yoga association
- Events
- Training offers
- yoga offerings
- Link to Facebook
- Link to Instagram
- Link to Pinterest
- Link to Twitter
- Link to YouTube
- podcast
Location yoga
Route plannerDirections
The operator of this yoga entry has not provided any directions.
address: Firmiangasse 35 1130 Wien Austria
- phone: 0650820... show
- fax: not specified
- To the card
- For directions
- Homepage: www.yoga-oberstveit.at
Popular Yoga
PremiumPremium Yoga with the best ratings are primarily displayed here.
Meraner Care Wien 4.5 km
Rainbow Yoga Wien 2.5 km
Here & now - yoga Wien 3.3 km
All information about yoga Yoga in Ober St. Veit is without guarantee
Are you also interested in an advertising banner or something similar? Write to us at mail@findedeinyoga.org and we will discuss the possibilities.
Public questions and answers about Yoga in Ober St. Veit
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