Yoga und Ayurveda Dettenheim Stephan Mohr
Yoga StyleYoga Style: not specified
- online yoga classes
- Courses funded by health insurance companies
equipmentequipment: not specified
existing yoga accessoriesexisting yoga accessories: not specified
courses for specific target groupscourses for specific target groups: not specified
special yoga offeringsspecial yoga offerings: not specified
accessibilityaccessibility: not specified
suitable forsuitable for: not specified
- yoga videos
Description yoga
What is yoga?
Yoga is a traditional ancient Indian exercise system. It originally emerged as a healing art and is several thousand years old. The purpose was and is to eliminate disharmonies between body and mind. These disharmonies often show up in our bodies as immobility, tension, illness, dissatisfaction or restlessness.
However, over time, people learned to overcome this type of imbalance with gentle yoga exercises, slow, rhythmic breathing, and various concentration and meditation techniques.
Yoga is also the oldest and most popular fitness program today. Yoga has been known in the Western world for more than a hundred years. Many people practice yoga to improve their quality of life, be it on a physical, mental or spiritual level.
Yoga primarily helps us to actively relax and develop body awareness. With regular practice, even once a week, the body's flexibility increases, breathing becomes calm and strong, and concentration is trained and improved.
Yoga literally means 'unity and harmony'
Hatha yoga
Here in the West, Hatha Yoga is probably the most well-known yoga path. It represents the body-oriented part of this complex yoga system. In Hatha Yoga, as a yoga practitioner, you mainly deal with:
Yoga positions (asanas)
Asanas are physical exercises that are held for a certain period of time and can therefore have a great effect. With this type of gentle exercise you strengthen your muscles, stretch ligaments and tissue and promote the mobility of your spine. At the same time, your body awareness is trained and you get to know your entire organism better. The motivating thing for you as a yogi is the fact that you can achieve great success with just a little effort.
Breathing exercises (Pranayama)
These are techniques that help you achieve natural breathing that is optimal for the organism. Done correctly, they have a cleansing, calming or revitalizing effect on the body.
Deep relaxation (Shavasana)
Relaxation is particularly important for modern people. During relaxation, stress hormones are reduced, the immune system is strengthened, healing processes are promoted, and inner strength and calm are restored. Complete relaxation does not just happen by itself; relaxation must be learned patiently and systematically.
Meditation (Dhyana)
With the help of concentration exercises you will learn to collect your thoughts. This will give you inner peace and mental clarity. Meditation increases your creativity by expanding your consciousness. It contributes to overall well-being by calming your mind.
Positive thinking
Is a method that helps you to cope with the things of everyday life more easily. With an optimistic attitude, you can achieve greater satisfaction and joy in life.
Effects of yoga
Yoga&mo(h)re, yoga master Dettenheim, yoga exercise Dettenheim
Effects of yoga
Yoga has a calming, balancing effect on most people and can therefore counteract the consequences of stress. It restores the body's natural mobility, promotes overall health and can even prevent disease.
Some of the special effects of yoga are:
Strengthens the immune system and prevents illness. Trains and stretches the entire muscles and improves posture. Internal body functions such as blood circulation, digestion, organs and the cardiovascular system are stimulated
Shoulder, neck and back tensions are relieved. Increases vitality, mental clarity and concentration. Keeps joints and spine flexible, strengthens self-confidence, eliminates back pain and headaches, sleep disorders and psychosomatic complaints can be alleviated
To experience these effects, it may be enough to come to one yoga class per week and integrate a few simple breathing, stretching and relaxation exercises into your daily life.
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda comes from India and is a holistic, naturopathic health philosophy that looks back on a tradition going back over 5,000 years. Literally translated, Ayurveda means “the knowledge of life”. He wants to show people how to live long, healthy lives and protect themselves from disease. Ayurveda's science of life is based on the assumption that every living being consists of the individual composition of the five major elements earth, fire, water, air and ether. The life energies of the human body, also called the three doshas, arise from this combination.
This knowledge of the three doshas VATA, PITTA and KAPHA makes it possible to apply Ayurveda to each person individually. If these three bioenergies get out of balance, illnesses can arise. Ayurveda's goal is to restore and maintain a harmonious state of these body energies.
Ayurveda massages
Ayurveda massages are an important part of this traditional healing art.
These are a very good way to relax and regenerate from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Above all, they have a preventive effect by harmonizing body, mind and soul. During an Ayurveda massage, the body is pampered with warm, high-quality oils, the muscles are loosened, tension is relieved and the entire body is revitalized.
Feel the lightness that spreads throughout your body as you use it. Sink into pleasant dreams and listen to gentle sounds to relax deeply.
Ayurvedic health and nutrition advice
Health advice is about determining and recording your current individual life situation as precisely as possible. The original and current combination of doshas are determined using different techniques, which means that any existing disorders can be identified.
An individual health and nutrition program rounds off the consultation and gives you the opportunity to have a harmonizing and health-promoting effect on your body, mind and soul.
The Journey
Do you want to free yourself from anger, fear and depression and experience FREEDOM again?
Do you want to face your blocked emotions and energies and free your FEELINGS?
Do you want to recognize your body’s symptoms and achieve greater HEALTH?
Do you want to forgive yourself or someone else and find PEACE again?
Do you want to get to the roots of your problems...
'Then you are ready for your Journey journey'
The Journey can answer these and many other questions for you, because this 'journey' takes you to the roots of your fears, worries, behavior patterns and even shows you the place where the causes of your illnesses can be found. Have you ever observed small children who are angry? First they complain, then they rage, then they cry... and then they go back to business as usual as if nothing had happened. Small children, still uninfluenced by rules and norms, go through something like a journey process with this behavior quite instinctively. Because they simply and naturally 'slide' through their feelings until they are at peace with themselves and the world again.
The Journey is a method developed by the American author Brandon Bays to uncover and resolve old psychological injuries as causes of physical illness and psychological blockages. It is an inner journey that can bring about emotional, mental and physical healing. B. Bays has brought together various Indian teachings with techniques from neurolinguistic programming (NLP), shamanic healing journeys and meditation techniques.
The feelings as the language of the soul (the subconscious) are often suppressed or not perceived, with the result that communication with the inner self no longer works properly. But this “doesn’t give up” and continues to send hints (feelings), reminding us in ever new ways of an issue/mental injury that still needs to be resolved. Suppressing feelings leads to physiological changes in the body, which in the long term can develop into manifest illnesses (mental and physical).
'Are you ready for your Journey journey'?
More information on:
Yoga is a traditional ancient Indian exercise system. The purpose is to eliminate disharmonies between body and mind.
Yoga nearby
PremiumPremium yoga classes nearby are primarily displayed here.
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Anja Bornholdt - Yoga in Germersheim Germersheim 6.0 km
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Properties yoga Yoga und Ayurveda Dettenheim Stephan Mohr
- Yoga Style
- Beginners or first-time visitors should keep this in mind
- yoga studio
- yoga class
- yoga teacher
- type of yoga classes
- suitable for
- online yoga classes
- yoga videos
- Courses funded by health insurance companies
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- Average Cost for a single hour
- Discount code
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- courses for specific target groups
- special yoga offerings
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- ambience
- equipment
- existing yoga accessories
- accessibility
- public transportation
- certification
- teaching experience
- member of the Yoga Association
- Events
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- yoga offerings
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Location yoga
Route plannerDirections
The operator of this yoga entry has not provided any directions.
- Street: Hauptstraße 88
- Postal code: 76706
- City: Dettenheim
- Federal State: Baden-Württemberg
- country: Germany
- not specified
- Latitude : 49.164310
- Longitude : 8.413900
address: Hauptstraße 88 76706 Dettenheim Germany
- phone: not specified
- fax: not specified
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Popular Yoga
PremiumPremium Yoga with the best ratings are primarily displayed here.
Yogaschule Ganesha Huttenheim 5.3 km
GET YOGA Bellheim 10.2 km
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