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Coziness (feel-good factor)
Spirituality (incense factor)
Effort (sweat factor)
Grounding (relaxation factor)
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  • Yoga Style:
    Hatha Yoga Meditation Vinyasa Flow all...
    Hatha Yoga
    Vinyasa Flow
    Yin Yoga
  • online yoga classes
  • Courses funded by health insurance companies
  • equipment:
    Umkleide WC
  • existing yoga accessories:
    Decken Meditationshocker Sitz- / Meditationskissen all...
    Sitz- / Meditationskissen
  • courses for specific target groups
    courses for specific target groups: not specified
  • special yoga offerings
    special yoga offerings: not specified
  • accessibility:
    gute Anbindung gut mit dem Bus gut mit dem Auto
    gute Anbindung
    gut mit dem Bus
    gut mit dem Auto
  • suitable for:
    Anfänger Fortgeschrittene Ältere Menschen all...
    Ältere Menschen
    Dickere Menschen
  • yoga videos

Description yoga

Yoga for everyone.
The courses are aimed at anyone who wants to harmonize body, breath and mind through yoga practice. The focus is on treating yourself with benevolence and calmness during the exercises.

New postures (āsanas) and breathing techniques (prāṇāyāma) are explained from the ground up so that you can then hold them for longer or include them in different movement sequences.

Background information on the philosophy of yoga is always included. Breath observation and meditation round off the hour and lead to a state of alert calm.


Properties yoga Yoga UNPerfekt mit Eva

  • Yoga Style:
    Hatha yoga
    Vinyasa flow
    Yin yoga
  • Beginners or first-time visitors should keep this in mind: Lateral entry into current courses is possible. Yoga material such as mats, blocks and seat cushions are provided free of charge. All yoga postures and breathing techniques are explained from the ground up so that they are understandable even for newcomers. For challenging or complex postures and techniques, easy-to-practice variants are offered for beginners.

  • yoga studio
  • yoga class
  • yoga teacher
  • type of yoga classes:
    Open courses (entry possible at any time)
    Trial lesson possible
  • suitable for:
    Elderly people
    Fatter people
    Pregnant women
  • online yoga classes
  • yoga videos
  • Courses funded by health insurance companies
  • course language:
  • Average Cost for a single hour: 17 €
  • Discount code
  • Note on the discount code
  • Regular courses:
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday public holidays
  • Course schedule

  • courses for specific target groups
  • special yoga offerings
  • More offers

  • ambience:
    Large rooms
  • equipment:
    locker room
  • existing yoga accessories:
    Meditation stool
    Seat / meditation cushion
    Yoga blocks
    Yoga straps
    Yoga mats
  • accessibility:
    good connection
    good by bus
    good by car
  • public transportation

  • certification:
    800 UE yoga teacher BDY
  • teaching experience
  • member of the Yoga Association:
    BDYoga (Professional Association of Yoga Teachers in Germany)

  • Events
  • Training offers
  • yoga offerings

Location yoga

Route planner


    The operator of this yoga entry has not provided any directions.


    • Bergisches
    • Land
    • Latitude : 51.284372
    • Longitude : 7.148729

    Route planner Contact

    yoga reviews 4


    Overall impression 5,0

    How strong are the following points (no rating)

    Coziness (feel-good factor) 5,0
    Spirituality (incense factor) 5,0
    Effort (sweat factor) 4,0
    Grounding (relaxation factor) 5,0

    yoga Yoga UNPerfekt mit Eva rate now

    5,0 / 5

    3 reviews

    via: Google

    Overall impression

    Hier wird jeder wieder mobiler und entspannt sich

    Es wird auf die individuelle Fähigkeit und Fitness jedes Teilnehmers eingegangen. Dadurch war die Motivation immer hoch.

    Frank S. visited Yoga UNPerfekt mit Eva in Februar 2023 .

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