Here is a list of yoga teachers and schools that could be critical. You will not find these yoga teachers and schools with a profile on Find Your Yoga because they have received negative attention in the past. We advise against visiting these yoga teachers and schools. This is our personal opinion and is based on our own assessment and feedback from our users. We ask everyone to form their own opinion.
If you know of other problematic yoga offers or find profiles of yoga teachers/schools on Find Your Yoga that you consider critical, then write us an email to: mail[at] and we will accept them if necessary. with on.
German Academy for Traditional Yoga
- Name of the school/yoga teacher: The German Academy for Traditional Yoga eV (DATY)
- Location : Germany: Berlin, Dresden, Erlangen, Freiburg, Hamburg, Heidenheim, Munich, Nuremberg and Stuttgart
- To be viewed critically, DATY describe the Romanian sect MISA (Movement for Spiritual Integration into the Absolute) as their “mother school”. MISA guru Gregorian Bivolaru is accused of human trafficking and sexual abuse.
- Selected links:
- Bayrischer Rundfunk Video - Yoga - lifestyle or life help? ( from minute 21)
- Heidenheimer Zeitung - " Heidenheim Yoga Association is connected to a Romanian sect" and " Our course participants are not instructed in any sexual activities"
- Office for ideological issues, establishment of the Evangelical Regional Church in Württemberg - MISA and DATY
AGAMA Yoga Linz
- Name of the school/yoga teacher: AGAMA Yoga Linz
- Location : Linz
- To be viewed critically because: AGAMA Yoga was founded by a former MISA follower. There are allegations of sexual assault and rape.
- Selected Links: Agama Justice Website: