With 13 Wishes through the Rauhnächte
The Twelve Nights are a time of purification , change and new beginnings for us humans between Christmas and Epiphany. The Twelve Nights were holy nights for our ancestors. On these nights, people didn't work; instead, they celebrated, took notice and spent a lot of intensive time with themselves and with their families. And we still notice this today - we are calmer during this time. We reflect on the past year , look forward to the year to come and see where we are going on the wild journey of life. We may set new goals for ourselves or come to terms with the old. An intense time for each of us.
The term Rauhnächte comes from rough, from smoke and from smoking. Another term is Losnächte - "los" comes from "lose" or "predict". Everything that happens on these days has a special meaning: whether there were problems, special surprises, what encounters occurred, whether the days were peaceful and harmonious, what the weather was like. At home, demons used to be smoked out with incense, magical acts or small fires in the garden.
The Rauhnacht begin on the night of December 25th and end on the morning of January 6th. There are 12 nights in this period and each night represents the respective month of the following year. The 1st Rauhnacht from December 24th to December 25th represents the first month of the year, January. The 2nd Rauhnacht represents February and so on. Each Rauhnacht lasts from midnight until midnight of the next night.
The individual days and nights are often used as oracles for the coming year. So make a note of what happened on each day and how you felt. And also what you dreamed about on each night. On January 6th you can then see for yourself what inspiration you have been given for the new year.
Each Rauhnacht has its own theme
Smoking – to dissolve negative energies
Smoking is an ancient tradition to dissolve heavy energies and connect with light energy. Suitable herbs for smoking include sage (strong cleansing power), frankincense (brings blessings, increases energy), juniper (drives away negative energy), myrrh (cleanses and gives calm), myrtle (provides clarity, purity and peace), thyme (cleanses and strengthens energy) and other herbs.
Smoke out the apartment by going through all the rooms every night and spreading the smoke with a bird's feather. Imagine that everything negative from the past dissolves in the smoke and that something positive emerges from it. Set an intention and be grateful for everything that was, is and is to come. Dedicate 6 nights to the old year and 6 nights to the new year. Or use the respective theme of the Rauhnacht as the focus of the smoking.
You can also put small notes with messages on the coals of the incense with everything that is weighing you down and that you want to free yourself from: sad events, negative thoughts, bad qualities that you want to get rid of... When the notes burn, you let go of the negative and make new space for forgiveness and a new beginning.
13 Wishes for the Rauhnächte - Preparation
On December 21st (winter solstice), write 13 wishes for the new year on individual pieces of paper and fold them together. You should actively formulate the wishes - for example: I look forward to every new day. Draw one of the folded pieces of paper on each Rauhnacht and burn it (without reading it again). Your wish is given to the universe and should come true in the respective month of the Rauhnacht. One piece of paper will be left at the end of the Rauhnacht - you can open this on January 6th, because you are responsible for fulfilling this wish in the coming year.
If December 21st is already over, use every day of the Rauhnächte (from December 25th) and also January 6th to write down a wish for the new year. At the end you will have 13 wishes and can perform the ritual of making 12 wishes to the universe on January 6th.
Questions for each night

The first Rauhnacht is about the basis of your life, your foundation and roots. Questions can be:
- What is the foundation of my life?
- What can I rely on?
- What strengthens me and my foundation and what throws me off balance?
Themes for the second night are the connection with your own inner voice, inner guidance and higher self. Questions today could be:
- What does my inner voice want to tell me?
- What can I do to better perceive my inner voice?
The third night is dedicated to heart opening and heart energy. Questions for today could be:
- What are my heart's desires?
- What gives me deep joy and fulfillment and makes my heart leap?
- Who do I give love and friendship to? Who gives it to me?

Themes for the fourth night are the dissolution of blockages, new beginnings and departure. Questions today could be:
- What else can I let go of?
- What habits do I want to change?
- What else is blocking me?

Themes for the fifth night are friendship and self-love. Having a deep and loving relationship with yourself is at least as important as friendship with others. Questions for today:
- Who are my friends?
- Am I a good friend to myself?
- What is important to me in a friendship?
The theme of the sixth night is preparing for what is to come and letting go of the old. It is about the transition from the old to the new and what you want to take with you. Questions today could be:
- What can I let go of? What can I free myself from?
- What is not yet taken? What still needs to be completed?
The theme of the seventh night is preparation for the new year and cleansing. It will do you good to take a bath and wash away the old year. Questions for tonight could be:
- What is my vision for the new year?
- What do I want?
- Where do I want to send strength and energy?

The eighth night is New Year's Eve and the night before the New Year. It stands for birth, new beginnings, abundance, self-expression and realization. Meet up with friends today and spend time in nature. Questions could be:
- What are my good wishes?
The new year has begun. Find Your Yoga wishes you all the best from the bottom of our hearts!

The ninth night stands for gold and light as well as blessings and the inner center. Today, reflect on your inner center from which peace and strength come. Questions for today are:
- Who do I want to send light and blessings to?
Night number ten is about visions and the connection with the divine. Questions can be:
- What do I want to spend time doing in my life?
- How do I use my life energy?
- How do I want to implement my vision?
The eleventh is a night for dealing with death and the big questions of life. Questions can be:
- What is the meaning of my life?
- Why am I here?
- What do I want to bring to earth?
- What is finally over and now wants to be let go?

The last (twelfth) Rauhnacht is dedicated to the topic of miracles and stands for purification and transformation. Questions can be:
- What else needs to be cleaned up?
- What miracle should happen?
final day January 6th
January 6th (Epiphany) is a good day for a closing ritual to review the previous 12 days. You can now take your notes from the last few days and look at what inspiration you have received for the new year. What messages have emerged for you? What new insights are you taking with you into the new year?
Tonight, one of the 13 wish slips will remain. You do not burn this slip, but you can read it. You are now responsible for fulfilling this last wish this year.
Have fun and gain wonderful insights during your Rauhnacht. And a good start to the new year!
Stephanie, a reader of the article, has created a small workbook that she would like to share and that you can download here .
Text by: Maria, former operator of Finde Dein Yoga