Yoga knowledge
The mysterious time of the rough nights
Between Christmas and the Three Kings there are twelve holy nights, the so-called rough nights. What's it all about?
The Findedeinyoga.org blog offers a wide range of inspiration on the topic of yoga.
Between Christmas and the Three Kings there are twelve holy nights, the so-called rough nights. What's it all about?
Topics of rough nights and rituals part 1
Topics of rough nights and rituals part 2
Topics of rough nights and rituals part 3
Topics of rough nights and rituals part 4
Andreas explains from his experiences how well yoga can really help as an alternative measure against depression.
A call from Sandro Schott, former operator of Find Your Yoga
What do your good intentions do? Don't worry, here you'll get everyday ideas for an easier and more peaceful life.
Why does yoga work, what is yoga, who were the great gurus - here is a list of yoga movies for a cozy evening at home
The Rauhnächten are just around the corner. We'll explain what they're all about and how you can make the most of this special time of year.
Yin Yoga leads you back to yourself, into silence and basic trust. How it works? Yin yoga teacher Katrin from Düsseldorf explains it to you.
With the help of our yoga navigator and links to the current hygiene regulations, you are well prepared for your new start.
There are so many great books about yoga, spirituality and life itself. We introduce you to our favorite books.
There are many yoga providers who offer free or donation-based classes out of conviction. Here is a compilation of the offers
Premium yoga are displayed here.
Stretching-Strengthening-Breathing-Relaxing-Feeling Good
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NürnbergTense and relaxed