Yoga in the cold season: How to stay healthy and relaxed
The cold months are a challenge for our bodies - this is exactly when daily yoga is our perfect companion.
The Findedeinyoga.org blog offers a wide range of inspiration on the topic of yoga.
The cold months are a challenge for our bodies - this is exactly when daily yoga is our perfect companion.
Yoga in the open air - ideas for moving your yoga practice outside in summer
Detoxify your body and start anew
Effective whole-body training and "coming to rest" in nature
Important innovation as of October 1st, 2023: the portal will then be operated by Anke Telle
Yogic techniques can easily be focused on and have an impact on the problem of declining bone density for a while.
For many things in life, the beginning is the biggest obstacle. Anyone who doesn't like sports can try out the wonderfully relaxing movements.
A simple guide for anyone who wants to practice yoga alone at home.
Premium yoga are displayed here.
Stretching-Strengthening-Breathing-Relaxing-Feeling Good
SalzburgConnect with your inner space
HanauLearn YOGA, live YOGA, YOGA for YOU
Nürnbergnicolayoga - because it feels good!
SchwaigChange your life for a better life