200H +300H Yogalehrerausbildung nach Richtlinien der Krankenkassen
yoga style:Anusara YogaJivamuktimeditationSivananda YogaVinyasa flowYin yogaYoga NidraOther
number of teaching units (UE):200 UE 300 UE200 UE300 UE
duration of training:12 months Other12 monthsOther
Content for target groups:Elderly peopleAccessible yogaFatter peopleChildren/young peopleRegression (postnatal)Pregnant women (prenatal)Yoga for wheelchair users (limited mobility)no particular focus
yoga content:anatomyAsanasAyurvedaBhagavad GitaEnergy systemsFacial theory and meridiansHathapradipikaKirtan (mantras)meditationphysiologyPranayama (breathing exercises)UpanishadsVinyasa KramaYoga Sutra (Patanjali)
- Training costs (total): 2400 €
Description Yoga teacher training
You can start yoga training on 8 weekends (Saturday and Sunday) while working.
There are many reasons to choose yoga teacher training.
Maybe you are currently at a turning point in your life or are you looking for a new challenge?
Most of the time, it starts with the desire to delve deeper into yoga, to find out and experience why yoga works the way it does.
Starting yoga teacher training is a crucial step that most people think about for a long time before making the decision: “Now it’s time.”
If you are currently at this turning point in your life, you can dive deeper into your yoga practice through various modules. With these different modules you can train to become a yoga teacher from 200h to 500h.
Even if you “just” want to deepen your yoga, yoga teacher training is a wonderful experience.
I know from my own experience that once you have decided to start training, it will be a very special journey to yourself. I am very happy to accompany you on this journey.
Namaste, your Silke
Yoga teacher training nearby
PremiumPremium yoga teacher training courses from nearby are primarily displayed here.
Intensives Hüftarbeiten - Yogalehrer Weiterbildung im Yoga Retreat Wangerland 61.1 km
YOM Yogaschule Münsterland YOM Basic
Experience a unique yoga teacher training in the heart of NRW
Beckum 166.9 km -
Qi-Life Yogalehrer Ausbildung 220h
Find your way, go your way
Andernach 311.1 km -
2-Jahres-Yogalehrer*in-Ausbildung - berufsbegleitend in deiner Nähe Horn-Bad Meinberg 181.0 km
Yogalehrer*in Ausbildung 4-Wochen intensiv Horn-Bad Meinberg 181.0 km
Properties Yoga teacher training 200H +300H Yogalehrerausbildung nach Richtlinien der Krankenkassen
yoga style:
Anusara YogaJivamuktimeditationSivananda YogaVinyasa flowYin yogaYoga NidraOther
number of teaching units (UE):
200 UE300 UE
duration of training:
12 monthsOther
- Maximum duration of training: 12 Months
- Intensive course
- Our training is structured in...
yoga content:
anatomyAsanasAyurvedaBhagavad GitaEnergy systemsFacial theory and meridiansHathapradipikaKirtan (mantras)meditationphysiologyPranayama (breathing exercises)UpanishadsVinyasa KramaYoga Sutra (Patanjali)
Content for lesson planning:
Didactics as a yoga teacherLesson preparationAtmosphere/timing/sequencingTypical errors and correctionsStarting a business and becoming self-employedYoga student's own practice
Content for target groups:
Elderly peopleAccessible yogaFatter peopleChildren/young peopleRegression (postnatal)Pregnant women (prenatal)Yoga for wheelchair users (limited mobility)no particular focus
Mediated Yoga Paths:
Bhakti Yoga (Yoga of Devotion)Hatha Yoga (Yoga of the Body)Jnana Yoga (Yoga of Knowledge)Karma Yoga (Yoga of Action)Kundalini Yoga (Yoga of Energies)Raja Yoga (Yoga of Meditation)
- Training costs (total): 2400 €
- Inclusive services: 200H training in 8 blocks
- Exclusive services
language of training:
- Participants per course: Max. 16
learning and teaching methods:
Lectures/Lectureswork in groupsself reflectionCarrying out teaching sampleshomework
- Download
- Format of training
- Completion certificate
- Recognized by health insurance companies
- Yoga Alliance (AYA) certified
- Educational bonus or educational leave recognized
- recognition by professional association
existing yoga accessories:
CoverSeat / meditation cushionChairsYoga blocksYoga strapsYoga mats
Sitting areafree WiFiWC
- accessibility
- public transportation
External accommodation
- ambience of the accommodation
- About Us
- How long has this training existed?: since 2018
- Number of yoga students trained to date: 200
- Yoga course / yoga studio - profile
- Events
- Further education
- Link to Facebook
- Link to Instagram
- Link to Pinterest
- Link to Twitter
- Link to YouTube
Location Yoga teacher training
Route plannerDirections
The operator of this Yoga teacher training entry has not provided any directions.
- Street: Vaderkeborg 9 Yoga in Leer /MeYo Akademie
- Postal code: PLZ 26789
- City: not specified
- Federal State: Lower Saxony
- country: Germany
- not specified
- Latitude : 53.230631
- Longitude : 7.460718
address: Vaderkeborg 9 Yoga in Leer /MeYo Akademie 26789 Leer Germany
- phone: 0152228... show
- fax: not specified
- To the card
- For directions
- Homepage: www.yoga-in-leer.de/yoga-ausbildung-nach-richtlinien-der-krankenkassen/
Popular Yogalehrer Ausbildungen
PremiumPremium Yogalehrer Ausbildungen with the best ratings are primarily displayed here.
Intensives Hüftarbeiten - Yogalehrer Weiterbildung im Yoga Retreat Wangerland 61.1 km
YOM Yogaschule Münsterland YOM Basic
Experience a unique yoga teacher training in the heart of NRW
Beckum 166.9 km -
Qi-Life Yogalehrer Ausbildung 220h
Find your way, go your way
Andernach 311.1 km -
Thai Yoga Massage Ausbildung mit Yoga & Meditation Horn-Bad Meinberg 181.0 km
All information about Yoga teacher training 200H +300H Yogalehrerausbildung nach Richtlinien der Krankenkassen is without guarantee
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