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Description yoga

DISCOVER the holistic concept of yoga - yoga as a source of joy of life, health, satisfaction and love of life.
TREAT yourself to a break with yourself to relax and achieve physical, mental and spiritual balance.
GET IN CONTACT with YOURSELF through the mindfulness you give yourself.
AWAKEN your intuition
What is yoga?
Yoga stands for unity -
Unity with the real, the imperishable, the essence of the soul -
YOGA IS THE WAY TO YOURSELF – Yoga helps us to develop holistically.
Practical and profound wisdom contained in yoga can help us to have a better quality of life, especially in today's world with all its challenges.
YOGA is harmony of body, soul and spirit!
His holistic exercise system works
- On a physical level
- On a mental level
- On an emotional level
- On a spiritual level
The harmonious interaction of human physical, mental and spiritual energies leads to our being healthy and whole, which is the quintessence of yoga teachings.
Therefore, yoga has both a preventive and healing effect.
YOGA is a way of living, a comprehensive system to bring body, mind and soul into harmony. You begin to consciously perceive your body and feelings.
YOGA changes us - not just our view of things, but our entire being. We examine our values, our way of life and integrate what was previously separate from us.
In my classes I teach the physical-meditative practice of yoga, consisting of:
- Asanas (body postures)
- Pranayama/breathing exercises – increasing life energy
- Concentration and relaxation
- Dhyana/meditation
Through the ASANAS (body postures), blockages are released or reduced and the body becomes more supple and resilient.
The postures are characterized by two aspects:
- Sthiram: Firm, immobile in holding.
- Sukham: Pleasant, lightness, effortlessness in posture
By learning the
PRANAYAMAS (Prana is the life energy, ayama means “expansion”) we cleanse our body and the energies are thereby increased, we regulate our prana in order to overcome our everyday limitations
Many people associate yoga primarily with posture, but the actual goal is completely different, namely to calm the thoughts in the mind.
MEDITATION is a tried and tested instrument that has been around for thousands of years to gain access to our intuition.
YOGA helps us to achieve more balance, calm and mindfulness and reshapes our lives in a wonderful way.


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Properties yoga Yoga - Just be

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  • Beginners or first-time visitors should keep this in mind

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  • Yoga teacher
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  • Online yoga courses
  • Yoga videos
  • Courses supported by health insurance companies
  • Course language
  • Average Cost for a single hour
  • Discount code
  • Note on the discount code
  • Regular courses
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  • Courses for specific target groups
  • special yoga offers
  • More offers

  • Ambiance
  • Furnishing
  • existing yoga accessories
  • reachability
  • public transportation

  • Certification
  • Experience in teaching
  • Member of the yoga association

  • Events
  • Training offers
  • yoga offerings

Location yoga

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    • not specified
    • Latitude : 48.014450
    • Longitude : 14.335780

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