Especially now in winter we like to catch a cold. Can yoga then help us get healthy? Yes. At times when your nose is running and your body is exhausted, yoga as a gentle and calming practice can provide soothing relief.
The right exercises can calm the body, make breathing easier and promote relaxation. But please make sure to always listen to your body and only practice what feels good at the moment. Because then it is actually possible to strengthen your immune system through yoga and give your body the relaxation it needs to ward off colds. Maybe you'll even be able to sleep a little better. Yoga reduces the stress hormone cortisol , which can help relax the body and mind and reduce inflammation .

If it's not too cold outside, you can also take your yoga session outdoors. The fresh air also stimulates your circulation and by moistening irritated mucous membranes, viruses and bacteria can be better combated.
Caution: If you feel severely exhausted or have a high fever, it is advisable to seek rest and seek medical support.
Depending on the intensity of your cold, you should also be careful with certain exercises. First ask yourself the following questions to find out what is good for your body and what you should leave alone:
- Do you get dizzy when you do a simple forward bend and stuff your nose?
- Are you completely exhausted when you run up a flight of stairs?
- Do you have a bad cold and are prone to sinus infections?
If you answer “yes” to one or more of these questions, you should definitely choose an exercise level below your usual intensity and consciously pay attention to what is good for your body.
You have a fever? Then you should seek absolute peace . The motto is then: Pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses): cell phone off. Tea, broth and bed warmth.
Now let’s talk about how yoga can help us deal with a cold . If we feel capable of it.
Breathing exercises from yoga teachings to ease the respiratory tract
If you have a stuffy nose or a sore throat, simple breathing exercises can provide relief.
It is best to take a comfortable, lying or sitting position for your so-called pranayamas . Close your eyes.
Now pay close attention to your breathing, breathe deeply into your stomach and breathe out again. Hold this position for a few minutes. Feel how your body is supplied with oxygen through conscious breathing .
Specific exemplary breathing exercises would also be:
- Anuloma Viloma, also Nadi Shodana - alternate breathing: Close one nostril with your thumb and breathe in through the other. Hold your breath briefly before opening the other nostril and exhaling. Repeat this a few times alternating.
- Matsyasana - the fish: This exercise also relaxes the neck and shoulders. Lie flat on your back on a yoga mat with your legs together and toes extended away from the rest of your body. Your hands are palms down under your buttocks with both thumbs touching. Your arms remain as stretched as possible. Now lean on your forearms and tilt your head back. Now consciously press your chest upwards, bring your shoulder blades together and form an arch with your upper back. This will stretch your chest muscles, open your heart, strengthen your upper back and improve your breathing.

- Viparita Karani - half the candle: This exercise not only relieves cold-related symptoms, such as headaches, but also helps against a tense back, which often occurs as a side effect of a cold. It's best to put a blanket or yoga mat underneath you. Now lay your body flat on the floor while leaning your legs vertically against a wall. Your buttocks should be about 10 cm away from the wall. Let your arms rest loosely at your sides, breathe deeply and relax.
- Bhramari Pranayama - bee breathing: With this pranayama technique , you gently cover your eyes with your fingers, place your fingertips on your ears and breathe in slowly and evenly. During exhalation, a humming sound is produced by letting the breath escape through the throat. This sound is similar to the buzzing of a bee.
Cold: Yoga asanas for energy and relaxation
Gentle yoga exercises can help you mobilize a little energy and relax a little at the same time, despite a weakened body.
The following exercises might be suitable for you:
- Balasana - Child's Pose to relieve pressure on the chest area: Kneel on the floor, bring your knees together and let yourself sink onto your heels with your feet close together. Then bend forward and place your upper body between your thighs while your forehead touches the floor or a surface. The arms can be stretched forward or lie relaxed next to the body.

- Marjaryasana-Bitilasana - Cat-Cow for your spine: Get on all fours. Your wrists are directly under your shoulders and your knees are under your hips. As you breathe in, your back arches downwards, your head lifts and your gaze goes upwards. When you exhale, your back is arched upwards, your head is lowered and your gaze is directed towards your stomach. At the same time, the stomach is pulled towards the spine to curve and straighten the spine. Switch smoothly between these two positions.
- Sarvangasana - Candle: Lie on your back, extend your legs straight up and support your lower back and pelvis with your hands to bring it into line.

Virabhadrasana - Warrior Pose for Stability and Stretching: There are several variations of Warrior Pose. In general, however, this posture refers to a series of standing positions that promote strength, stability and concentration. To perform Warrior Pose, start in a standing position, take a large step backwards with one leg, and bend the front leg at a right angle so that the knee is over the ankle. The back leg remains stretched and firmly on the floor. The hips are pointed forward while the upper body is straightened and the arms are stretched over the head or to the sides.
- Padahastasana – Standing Forward Bend: Stand with your legs hip-width apart and slowly bend your upper body forward and down until your hands touch the floor. If necessary, you can also bend your knees to reach the floor.
Relaxation and recovery for colds
In general , when we have a cold, we should allow ourselves to rest and listen to our bodies. Meditation and mindfulness exercises can also speed up the healing process.
For example the following: Take a warm bath, consciously feel the tension in your body and mentally try to release these muscle by muscle.
General note: Please note that the exercises mentioned are just a few examples and if you have any health problems, it is always advisable to first seek the advice of a doctor or healthcare professional before performing yoga exercises or other measures to relieve symptoms.