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  • yoga style:
    Yin yoga
    Yin yoga
  • number of teaching units (UE):
    under 200 UE
    under 200 UE
  • duration of training:
  • Content for target groups:
    Elderly people Fatter people Regression (postnatal) all...
    Elderly people
    Fatter people
    Regression (postnatal)
    Pregnant women (prenatal)
  • yoga content:
    anatomy Asanas Energy systems all...
    Energy systems
    Facial theory and meridians
    Pranayama (breathing exercises)
  • Training costs (total): 649 €

Description Yoga teacher training

Yin Yoga Teacher Training
The Yin Yoga training focuses on the beneficial, healing Yin Yoga practice, the invisible world of Qi and meridians and the effect on our emotions and organs.
In the Yin Yoga Teacher Training you will learn the history and intention of Yin Yoga, as well as the philosophy and background of TCM. You understand the principles of Yin and its complex wisdom and can apply them specifically to your life and your yoga classes.
You will gain a deeper insight into our body tissue and its functions and how you can use this knowledge to practice and teach mindfully and specifically according to your individual body structure and your participants.
You will also learn how Yin Yoga can influence our energy body and how we can thereby access our emotions.
During this intensive period you will learn the most important asanas and their effects as well as their variations and aids. Your own practice will become more solid and you will learn to understand connections and feel them yourself.
You will learn how to create a harmonious experience for your participants through a clever sequence of your asanas and how you can support your Yin Yoga classes with pranayama and meditation techniques.
The Yin Yoga training includes a total of 40 hours over 4 days.
Next date:
14th-17th July 2025 Yin Yoga Training
In the Body & Mind Balance – yoga studio
Price for complete Yin Yoga training including detailed script in printed form: 649,-€ in the Early Bird price
Participation is possible live and online.
The Yin Yoga Teacher Training is registered with the Yoga Alliance as further training for yoga teachers. So you can have it credited if you are listed there.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
I'm here for you.
Your Katrin
You can find detailed information about the Yin Yoga training here:


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Properties Yoga teacher training Yin Yoga Ausbildung / Intensivkurs 4 Tage

  • yoga style:
    Yin yoga

  • number of teaching units (UE):
    under 200 UE
  • duration of training:
  • Maximum duration of training: Less than a month (max. 4 weeks)
  • Intensive course
  • Our training is structured in...

  • yoga content:
    Energy systems
    Facial theory and meridians
    Pranayama (breathing exercises)
  • Content for lesson planning:
    Didactics as a yoga teacher
    Lesson preparation
    Typical errors and corrections
    Yoga student's own practice
  • Content for target groups:
    Elderly people
    Fatter people
    Regression (postnatal)
    Pregnant women (prenatal)
  • Mediated Yoga Paths:
    Hatha Yoga (Yoga of the Body)
    Kundalini Yoga (Yoga of Energies)
    Raja Yoga (Yoga of Meditation)

  • Training costs (total): 649 €
  • Inclusive services: Participants in the Yin Yoga training receive a detailed Yin Yoga script in printed form and a certificate of the training.
    Yoga teachers who are already registered with the Yoga Alliance can have their Yin Yoga training credited as further training.

    The use of yoga cushions, cushions, blankets, blocks and straps is free of charge during the training period.
  • Exclusive services: If you are aiming for yoga teacher training with health insurance certification, you can have the Yin Yoga training credited.
    If you have any questions about this, write me a message.
  • language of training:
  • Participants per course: Max. 10
  • learning and teaching methods:
    work in groups
    self reflection
  • Download
  • Format of training

  • Completion certificate: Participants in the Yin Yoga training receive a certificate of participation in the training.
  • Recognized by health insurance companies
  • Yoga Alliance (AYA) certified
  • Educational bonus or educational leave recognized
  • recognition by professional association:
    none mentioned here

  • existing yoga accessories:
    Seat / meditation cushion
    Yoga blocks
    Yoga straps
    Yoga mats
  • Furnishing:
    locker room
    Sitting area
  • Ambiance:
    Large rooms
  • accessibility:
    good on foot
    good by bus
    good by train
    good by car
  • public transportation: 0.3 km away

  • accommodation:
    no accommodation necessary
  • ambience of the accommodation

  • About Us
  • How long has this training existed?: since 2018
  • Number of yoga students trained to date: 79

  • Yoga course / yoga studio - profile:

    Katrin Franzke

    98 ref.

    21435 Stelle, Lower Saxony, Germany

    Yoga Style:
    Hatha yoga Hormone yoga Children's yoga
    Hatha yoga
    Hormone yoga
    Children's yoga
    Power yoga
    Restorative yoga
    Sivananda Yoga
    Vinyasa flow
    Yin yoga
    Yoga Vidya
    online yoga classes
    Details anzeigen
  • Events
  • Further education

Location Yoga teacher training

Route planner


    The yoga studio is easy to reach by public transport.
    There are parking spaces in front of the door.


    • not specified
    • Latitude : 53.373398
    • Longitude : 10.129187

    Route planner Contact

    yoga reviews 2

    Overall impression

    Yin Yoga Intensivkurs / Ausbildung

    Liebe Katrin, ich mich sehr wohlgefühlt während der Yin Yoga Ausbildung. Du hast uns den Raum gegeben einfach zu Sein und das auch zu fühlen. Ich habe die Wirkung gespürt und mich entspannt. Es macht Lust selber weiter Yin Yoga zu praktizieren und es weiter in die Welt zu tragen. Die Inhalte waren einfach und nachvollziehbar Aufgebaut, ich habe die Zusammenhänge verstanden und freue mich darauf, wenn es weitergeht um noch mehr zu erfahren. Ganz herzlichen Dank
    Birgit 💞

    Birgit A. visited Yin Yoga Ausbildung / Intensivkurs 4 Tage in Mai 2024 .

    Overall impression

    Yin Yoga Intensivkurs 4 Tage

    Vielen Dank, liebe Katrin, für diese wertvolle Yin Yoga Fortbildung. Ich habe gemerkt, mit wie viel Leidenschaft und Liebe du diese Tage vorbereitet und mit uns gemeinsam gestaltet hast. Wir konnten so viel von dir und deiner Erfahrung lernen, haben die Zusammenhänge zwischen den Muskeln (Faszien), Organen/ Meridianen und Emotionen erarbeitet und durften einfach sein.
    Ich freue mich auf die nächste Ausbildung mit dir. <3

    Mascha A. visited Yin Yoga Ausbildung / Intensivkurs 4 Tage in Mai 2024 .

    Non-binding inquiry to Yin Yoga Ausbildung / Intensivkurs 4 Tage

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