yoga in ... with Courses supported by health insurance companies

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1662 Yoga with Courses supported by health insurance companies found (from 13848)

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Certified yoga courses with funding from health insurance companies

The yoga teacher / yoga studio (also) offers yoga courses that are sponsored by one or more health insurance companies . The cost coverage depends on which health insurance company you are insured with. You can find a list of health insurance companies on the website . Normally 1-2 prevention courses per participant per year are financed and 60-80% of the course fees are covered by the health insurance company for the insured person. Each participant must attend 80% of the course hours. Only then can a confirmation of participation be issued, which you can then submit to your health insurance company . Since the requirements can vary depending on the health insurance company, you should always consult the provider and/or the health insurance company.

Yoga offers with funding from health insurance companies

Here, for example, you can search specifically for online yoga courses with funding from health insurance companies , courses for pregnant women or courses for companies .

Also find the right yoga offers with funding from health insurance companies for your level:

Interesting yoga


Premium yoga are displayed here.

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