293 Yoga in München and 10 found in area (from 13847)
293 Yoga in München and 10 found in area (from 13847)
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80801 München, Bavaria, Germany
Yoga Style:Hatha yoga Power yoga Restorative yogaHatha yogaPower yogaRestorative yogaVinyasa flowYin yogaOnline yoga courses119Data is loading...
80797 München, Bavaria, Germany
Yoga Style:Anusara Yoga Ashtanga yoga CranioSacral YogaAnusara YogaAshtanga yogaCranioSacral YogaHatha yogaJivamuktimeditationPower yogaRestorative yogaSivananda YogaVinyasa flowYin yogaOnline yoga courses113Data is loading...
81245 München, Bavaria, Germany
Yoga Style:Hatha yoga meditation Vinyasa flowHatha yogameditationVinyasa flowYin yogaYoga NidraOtherOnline yoga courses106Data is loading...
80339 München, Bavaria, Germany
Yoga Style:Ashtanga yoga Hatha yoga Vinyasa flowAshtanga yogaHatha yogaVinyasa flowYin yogaOtherOnline yoga courses103Data is loading...
81379 München, Bavaria, Germany
Yoga Style:Ashtanga yoga Hatha yoga meditationAshtanga yogaHatha yogameditationPower yogaSUP yogaVinyasa flowYin yogaOnline yoga courses101Data is loading...
80339 München, Bavaria, Germany
Yoga Style:Ashtanga yoga Hatha yoga Children's yogaAshtanga yogaHatha yogaChildren's yogameditationRestorative yogaVinyasa flowYin yogaOtherOnline yoga courses101Data is loading...
80799 München, Bavaria, Germany
Yoga Style:Hatha yoga meditation Swastha YogaHatha yogameditationSwastha YogaVinyasa flowYin yogaOnline yoga courses100Data is loading...
81667 München, Bavaria, Germany
Yoga Style:meditation Restorative yoga SUP yogameditationRestorative yogaSUP yogaOtherOnline yoga courses99Data is loading...
80337 München, Bavaria, Germany
Yoga Style:Hatha yoga meditation Power yogaHatha yogameditationPower yogaRestorative yogaSwastha YogaYin yogaYoga NidraOnline yoga courses99Data is loading...
80636 München, Bavaria, Germany
Yoga Style:Hatha yoga Hormone yoga Power yogaHatha yogaHormone yogaPower yogaSivananda YogaVini YogaVinyasa flowOnline yoga courses100Data is loading...
81667 München, Bavaria, Germany
Yoga Style:Hatha yoga meditation Vinyasa flowHatha yogameditationVinyasa flowOnline yoga courses98Data is loading...
80335 München, Bavaria, Germany
Yoga Style:Hatha yoga Iyengar yoga meditationHatha yogaIyengar yogameditationOnline yoga courses98Data is loading...
81539 München, Bavaria, Germany
Yoga Style:Anusara Yoga Hatha yoga JivamuktiAnusara YogaHatha yogaJivamuktiChildren's yogameditationVinyasa flowYin yogaOtherOnline yoga courses98Data is loading...
81479 München, Bavaria, Germany
Yoga Style:Hatha yoga meditation Sivananda YogaHatha yogameditationSivananda YogaYin yogaYoga NidraOnline yoga courses97Data is loading...
81543 München, Bavaria, Germany
Yoga Style:Hatha yoga meditation Restorative yogaHatha yogameditationRestorative yogaThai yoga massageVinyasa flowYin yogaYoga NidraOnline yoga courses97Data is loading...
80335 München, Bavaria, Germany
Yoga Style:Aerial yoga Hatha yoga meditationAerial yogaHatha yogameditationVinyasa flowOnline yoga courses96Data is loading...
81245 München, Bavaria, Germany
Yoga Style:Anusara Yoga Hatha yoga meditationAnusara YogaHatha yogameditationRestorative yogaVinyasa flowYin yogaYoga NidraOnline yoga courses96Data is loading...
81669 München, Bavaria, Germany
Yoga Style:Hatha yoga meditation Restorative yogaHatha yogameditationRestorative yogaVini YogaVinyasa flowYin yogaYoga NidraOnline yoga courses95Data is loading...
80333 München, Bavaria, Germany
Yoga Style:Hatha yoga meditation Sivananda YogaHatha yogameditationSivananda YogaOnline yoga courses94Data is loading...
80333 München, Bavaria, Germany
Yoga Style:Acro yoga Ashtanga yoga Hatha yogaAcro yogaAshtanga yogaHatha yogaChildren's yogaRestorative yogaVinyasa flowYin yogaOtherOnline yoga courses94Data is loading...
81379 München, Bavaria, Germany
Yoga Style:Hatha yoga Kundalini yoga meditationHatha yogaKundalini yogameditationPower yogaOnline yoga courses93Data is loading...
80634 München, Bavaria, Germany
Yoga Style:Bikram Yoga/Hot YogaBikram Yoga/Hot Yoga92Data is loading...
80636 München, Bavaria, Germany
Yoga Style:Anusara Yoga Hatha yoga meditationAnusara YogaHatha yogameditationVinyasa flowYin yogaOnline yoga courses92Data is loading...
80801 München
Yoga Style:Hatha yoga Vinyasa flowHatha yogaVinyasa flowOnline yoga courses91Data is loading...
Yoga in Munich
Hello, all you yogis in Munich! In addition to the Oktoberfest and Viktualienmarkt, Munich also offers a range of yoga options that are impressive, with a diverse selection of studios, styles and teachers. We will introduce you to some interesting yoga locations and events in the Munich yoga scene and wish you the best of luck in your search for your yoga – in Munich!
Yoga teachers and yoga studios in Munich
There is one man you definitely cannot miss in Munich - Dr. Patrick Broome, the man who brought Jivamukti Yoga from the USA to Germany, is the author of several yoga books and has coached the national soccer team. Patrick Broome teaches regularly in one of the three Patrick Broome yoga studios in Munich and gives workshops. Jivamukti classes can also be found at Yamyoga , Yoga am Engel and in the Jivamukti Yogaloft and many more. Munich is a Jivamukti stronghold, so to speak.
In addition, Veronika's MahaShakti Yoga is also worth mentioning.
Unusual yoga styles such as Tibetan healing yoga, Budokon yoga and trauma-sensitive yoga can be found at 148 Ausatmen Einatmen . An unusual name, although the 148 only stands for the house number: Theresienstraße 148.
But it's not just the big yoga studios that offer great courses. Nadine Rothfuss combines yoga with Ayurveda and Sandra Fernández offers classes in Spanish.
Still haven't found anything appealing? Then we recommend the yoga search on Find Your Yoga. Here you can filter by yoga style and find yoga providers in your area. To search, click here .
Unusual yoga places and special yoga classes in Munich
- Yoga and cancer: Yoga specifically for people with a current or previous cancer starts in summer 2017 at Happy Belly Yoga
- Yogagarden Munich offers kid's yoga , yoga with babies and family yoga. Many courses are in English.
- Yoga in French is available at Atelier Yoga
- Yoga for seniors is available at Götteryoga
- Cross-Yoga , a 45-minute circuit training in yoga style, is offered by the Jivamukti Yoga Studio Patrick Broome
Munich yoga events
- Climbing yoga workshop October 2017 with Marius Beyer in the Patrick Broome Studio Schwabing, because climbing is simply better with yoga.
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